
Is it okay for me to let my sisters style my hair,paint my nails,and apply makeup on my face since I'm a guy?

by  |  earlier

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they are 15 and 16 and im 12




  1. yep it's perfectly fine

  2. lol. Your screwed. In highschool your sisters are going to tell everyone. if you like it, if thats your thing it is fine.

  3. Personally, I think it's kinda odd but only if it's voluntarily & continuously.  I'd do it to one of my guy friends, even my boyfriend, as a joke but if they were to come up to me & ask me to do their nails & makeup, I'd start to be a little worried..

  4. umm as long as you dont wear it in public lol.well it depends what color and how they're doing it.if in a girrly style i wouldnt consider it but with a style that will fix you up nice then yeah go for it!

  5. As long as you're okay with it.

  6. if ur sisters are little yes but if theyre like older i dont think so

  7. It's perfectly cool lil man ;)

  8. i do my dads nails lol um if ur okay with it yes but if ur not dont because it is ur body and ur the boss of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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