
Is it okay for me to start my own door to door pamphlet- topic being God?

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I want to start my own free door to door pamphlet about God. These would be written and designed by me.

It would be my own interpretation of a specific subject of the bible based on the bible with scriptures as references.

do you think this would this be okay for a christian to do?




  1. It would be a better thing to save the trees and not do that.  If I received such a pamphlet, it would go directly into the recycling garbage.

    EDIT:  There is no soul to save.

  2. It would be a colossal waste of paper. I know you people don't care about this earth and love destroying it, but the rest of us kind of like trees.

  3. There are chick tracks, I don't see this as being any different. I still have the choice to throw them out.

  4. Why don't you take it up in prayer with the Heavenly father instead of asking sinful people. Jehovah's Witnesses do so all of the time, And look at the strength they have to do this. Many Christian religions try to do this but almost immediately peed-er out because of lack of Holy spirit backing them up. Jehovah's Witnesses do this everyday of the year with no let up. How do they do it with so much door slamming in their faces and fierce contradictions. They take it up in prayer with their Holy father and he helps them with his Holy Spirit. This truly shows who has God's backing.

  5. I love to see people stand for what they believe. Anymore, people don't want to offend other people so they stay in the shadows. The funny thing is that our nation started on the shoulders of people who stood up for what they believe.

    I think that the time, effort, and energy would be rewarding. I think that it would be a great way to make friends.

    Although, people are going to want to know the why. Do you want them to join your club, be baptized, or make some kind of financial commitment? Is it to help people see the happiness that is in your life?

    Why do you want to talk about God?

    Why do you want to make a pamphlet?

    Do you have a new found religion that you are wanting everybody to know about?

    Christians through out time have risked their lives to do christian things, and talking about God is one of them. To directly answer your question yes it is ok to start your own door to door pamphlet of God. It will be a learning experience.

  6. No.  

  7. No.  I do not want to hear what you believe.  I have my own beliefs and I do not try to convert you to my way.

    Stay away from us.  Not eveyone is a Christian.

    Some of us have gone beyond that and are happy, joyous and free.

    Leave us alone.  We leave you alone.  Blessed be.

  8. If you feel within your heart this is what the Holy Spirit is leading you to do then yes I fell it's a good thing.

  9. I think you have a great zeal.

    This has been tried by a lot of different religions before but most will not go door to door without getting paid. and no one wants to be 'mis'associated with Jehovah's witnesses. the door to door work has only been a success with Jehovah's witness. join them.

  10. NO. Knocking on doors is rude and dangerous!  It just makes people angry!  


    No matter how you deliver them, don't go alone!

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