
Is it okay for my dog to get prego by a young dog??

by  |  earlier

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my dog has had her first heat and this dog which is my neighbors dog.. is like 6 months and he always trying to hump my girl.. is it safe if she was to get prego but him?? help!




  1. ha! go get your dog spayed honey. first of all never ever ever ever breed a dog in her first cycle. thats like your little 7 yr old sister having a baby. and a 6 mnth olds sperm is useless. not strong enough to penetrate and egg. do some research first before you even TRY to breed. like 10 yrs worth of it.

  2. Don't listen to them. It's a personal choice. It's just hard for the ***** she becomes territorial as well giving birth is a mess and a handful. The puppies are cute but like I wrote it's a personal choice.

  3. NO.  It is NOT safe for her to get "preggo" (oh, what a classy term) by ANY dog at her age.  ONLY when you have done ALL this, will she be ready to be bred:

    1. Contact a breed club for your breed. Ask for a mentor.

    2. STUDY the breed standard. Learn about dog anatomy and ask your mentor to

    clarify anything you don't understand.

    3. Learn what genetic faults and diseases run in your breed and test for any

    that can be tested for.

    4. Show your dog in conformation events to see if it is of the proper

    quality for breeding. Winning doesn't always mean a dog is breeding quality,

    but being around so many others that know your breed and will talk to you

    will do wonders for your self-education efforts!

    5. Study the past history of great dogs in your breed. You will see how your

    breed has improved and progressed since the beginning of the breed.

    6. Study the breed standard some more! ;-)

    7. Join any Yahoo groups about your breed.

    8. Live, dream and study your breed.

    9. Get a good book on canine reproduction, and educate yourself about the

    pitfalls, problems, and proud moments of breeding. Learn about the

    physiology of reproduction, such as heat cycles and venereal diseases in

    dogs, potential for problems specific to your breed, and what you need to

    expect at whelping.

    10. Remember that whelping (giving birth) can kill your female. Being used

    as a stud dog can encourage bad behaviors common in intact males such as

    territorial marking, aggression, and desire to roam from home.

    11. Prepare to be broke. Breeding properly is EXPENSIVE.

    12. Line up potential homes for any puppies you produce and write up a

    contract. Remember to include that you will be willing to take back your

    puppies at any time in their lives that they might need you. If you bring

    life into this world, it is your responsibility FOREVER.

    13. Prepare to spend sleepless nights attending whelping females, caring for

    fading puppies or puppies orphaned, and practice cleaning up after 24/7 p**p


    I'm sure there are many things I missed because being a responsible breeder

    isn't just a job. It's a way of life. You will live dogs. 24/7/365. There

    are lots of hard decisions. There is a lot of expense. There will be pain.

    But, if you do your darndest to always keep the welfare of your dogs and the

    future of any of their offspring, you can go to step 14.

    14. Enjoy the love and success of a job well done.

  4. First heat + pregnancy = serious health hazard and/or death.

    Please spay your dog, clearly you have no knowledge of canine reproduction and have no business allowing your dog to breed at all, ever.

  5. It is not safe your your dog to get pregnant by any dog whatsoever.  No dog should be pregnant during her first heat, it puts her at serious health risks, not to mention risk to her puppies if she is able to carry them.

    The safest thing for you to do with your dog, is have her spayed.

  6. please spay ur dog if u didn't! spaying will prevent her from getting pregnant no matter how often or how hard ur neighbor's dog humps on ur dog. and also, prevents her from marking territories and helps to fix the dog's bad behavior.

  7. yes but one question did he were a condom  

  8. Get some responsibility, and make sure your female is guarded at all times when outside. NO ITS NOT OK... no dog should be bred before 2 years old. They all should be 100% health checked, temperament tested, and structurally sound. DO NOT LET your neighbors dog get her preggo as you say. Have you visited your local shelter lately to see how many dogs are being Euth because of not having many homes. Just the tone of your question leads me to believe you are young, and not a professional breeder or know how to breed responsibly. Get your dog fixed if you can not keep her safe, while intact.

    GUERRILA FM- its NOT A PERSONAL CHOICE. we know what we are talking about as you DO NOT... its is not safe. the dog doesn't get territorial or protective you imbecile. I doubt you own dogs. its people like you that need the Pet Education programs that are out there.

  9. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAD IDEA!!! Get them apart now. DO NOT let them breed. Bad for your Dog to breed at their first heat. Get your Dog fixed. NOW!

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