
Is it okay for the younger generation to make the same mistakes as the older?

by Guest56843  |  earlier

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I was looking back at some of the mistakes (or bad choices) I've made in my life, and found that a few times when I was younger my mom or dad had warned me about it. I can remember my parents telling me that they didn't want me to make the same mistakes that they did, but even though I Iistened, it didn't really sink in.

I started to think that maybe I HAD to make those mistakes in order to learn, but I still wouldn't want someone to make the same that I did.

So, do you think people need to make their own mistakes in order to learn, or should they head all others' warnings?





  1. I was telling my Mother the other day how my Son won't heed my advice even though I know it is the best thing for him.  He doesn't want to listen and he doesn't feel that what I say is relevant.  I can explain that I've been there and done that and it doesn't seem to register in his mind.  I can explain that I've made mistakes that I don't want him to but it goes in one ear and out the other.

    I'm learning that I have to let him live and learn and take the bumpy road and experience it for himself just like I did.  He now has a 20 month old daughter and I know that he'll one day be in my shoes saying the same thing to me.

    Peace & Love  :)

  2. They are and worse, mistakes are a part of life. if you dont take chances in life you will never get anywhere.  that may just be the biggest mistake of all.

  3. You have to live your own life someone else can not do it for you.Your parents were just trying to keep you from being hurt.Everyone has to have their own adventure in life right or wrong.You have to filter out what applies to you and of course you must always use common sense.If someone told you to not jump across a ditch because you could break a leg you may want to listen to it but if you were running for your life you would take a shot and jump that ditch.Its called discerment(discern to see or notice what is not obvious. . Understanding something.To show good judgement or taste.You learn this with time and experience of life.I'm only half evil  said it best.

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