
Is it okay if after I finish college...?

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Is it okay that after I finish college . To look for a compatible successful older man to start a family and let me have to opportunity to quit working, stay home and raise the kids. And depend on husband for family income ?




  1. If you marry sure it is.

    There is absolutely no problem with that.

    Or you can keep working.

    Or not.

  2. Do whatever you want to do.  Understand that there may be consequences to your actions, whatever the choice and try to be aware of those.

  3. It's your choice that's what equal opportunity entails. You make your own decisions. Wanna pursue a high powered career go for it, want to be a SAHM your choice.

    Don't let the femmies tell you otherwise

    @ open minded.. "Not what a strong woman would do" how dare you imperialise your perception of  a strong woman upon others as though its fact. Being a fulltime parents takes alot of character and commitment so think before you belittle them

  4. Yup! Let me know when you graduate :-)

  5. i think you need to figure out why you think you should get married....then decide if you want to or not.

    thats about it.

    people get married for different reasons

  6. You can stay home if you want, obviously, but it's still a good idea to develop some marketable skills and your own savings first, in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

  7. You can do whatever you want. But I don't understand why you would just want to rely on someone else to support yourself. That's why women often get into abusive or unhappy marriages: because they can't afford to leave their marriage.

    This is the 21st century...Not 1950.

    It makes me sad that you say "older man." You're supposed to marry someone because you love them, not so that they can support you.

  8. Good grief.  Older men turn into successful wrinkly older men.  You don't seem to want your own identity but whatever floats your boat.  Why are you going to college for if you don't want a career?  You might need a little of Blue's feminazi classes.

  9. and people wonder why I say I never want to get married.

    When you meet someone and then over the course of time decide to get married ask yourself this.

    Are you getting married because you want to be his wife and you want him to be your husband or because you just want to be a mother?

    If it is the later than that action would be abusive, manipulative.

    Taking advantage of someone is just wrong. Maybe you should wait till you "mature" a little more.

  10. sweethart....  theres nothing at all wrong with it...  in fact... u sound lots smarter to me than most other feminists here...  women dident fight for rights so theyd be FORCED to go out an get jobs...  we fout for rights to give us CHOICES....  so today we can CHOOSE wat we want...  either go out an get a career...  or stay home an let ur husbend work... or even maybe work part time an let ur husbend work....   but remember....  its ur CHOICE... its ur RIGHT... an dont let these other women tell u to get a job!!!

  11. Sure...successful men don't hang out with drop-outs. It is best to keep your skills sharp...just in case.

  12. It's up to you to find a man who wants to do that for you dear =)

  13. It's your life and your choice.

    There's a saying, though - People that marry for money, earn it.

    The two of you will be out of context for each other.

  14. Of course its ok.That's what feminism is about.Making choices for you.

  15. Only if you are marrying him because you love him and want to cherish and honor him.  It is not okay if you need a daddy to live off of and play nanny to.

  16. I'm going to put it to you as gentle as I can.  What you do with your life is really no ones business; and above all you don't need to be going and asking any one for permission to live your life as you see fit.  You must, and, you have to make up your own mind.

  17. Do what you like, but i hope you find a successful older man that you can love, not be with him just because hes rich.

  18. I think it's a very good idea.  Work is overrated.  Staying at home with the children is a lot less stressful than trying to 'juggle'.

    You may have a tough time finding a man who wants this though.  Nowadays most men expect women to go out to work as well as doing all the domestic labour.  This is the feminist ideal, as preached by Betty Friedan in 'the Feminine Mystique', and men have embraced it enthusiastically.  We are all supposed to be like women in peasant societies nowadays, toiling unceasingly both outside and inside the home.

  19. Not really. Kind of (actually, make that really) superficial and extremely stupid/traditional of you. Not what a strong woman would do, but if you are a submissive conservative be my guest and be a goldigger.  

  20. I never understood why women who plan to stay home even bother with college in the beginning. First it's a waste of money since even with a degree, after having been out of the field (and in this case never even getting into it) for so long, company's are reluctant to hire you (male or female). There is the idea of just in case being able to support yourself, but as I just said, it's extremely hard to get back into the workplace, so why waste that time spent on college if this is your goal anyway? Pick up specific traits while at home to hold you over for that in case time and go back to school then!!

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