
Is it okay if i put items in my Betta Fishs' bowl?

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I soaked 2 mini breyer horses and a little box in hot water for about 15 minutes....

and then put them in my betta, Walli's tank because i didnt want him to get bored.

What else can i put in there that will make him un-bored?

and is it okay to put that in there?




  1. I wouldn't risk it, some plastics can have ill effects on the water chemistry, possibly putting unwanted toxicities in the water. Stick to items that are made especially   for the aquarium. Items such as small ceramic pot would be fine. Get him some silk or live plants they love resting on the leaves, If your bowls big enough possibly a small cave. You can also show him a mirror for a few minutes, you shouldn't do this long because he could blow out a fin or just get exhausted from flaring too long. Hope that helps

  2. I have a bamboo plant in my vase with a betta it looks really pretty and the bamboo is 2 one is straight and the other one curls around it so it gives it some loops to swim through =]

  3. A Betta shouldn't be housed in a bowl.

    Bettas deserve a minimum of 2.5 gallons with a filter and heater. They need bigger tanks because this is where they live in the wild:

    They need a filter because they are living creatures and produce waste. The filter will pick up waste, and the bacteria in the filter will pick up the ammonia and nitrite that the waste creates.

    They need a heater because in the wild, the temperature is hot year-round. They like the temperature in the 75-80* F range. Without a filter, they'll be less active, more susceptible to diseases, and show less coloration than if they had a filter.

    E-mail me for any questions!

  4. I'd not put in plastics like that, even if there is no bacteria on them, you never know what chemicals they are leaving into the water. If it were me, I'd get some plants or toys from a pet store.

    Fish have a 3-second memory span. That means by the time he's done a lap of the tank he's already forgotten what he was looking at.  

  5. put in something that wont harm it when eaten because bettas are really territorial and like fighting. it was a sport in china they put 2 fish in 1 tank and bet on which one would win the fight

  6. Putting different objects into a betta tank is a good idea in my opinion. When I had a betta, i would put all kinds of items in there for him to swim around in. He loved it alot and it's perfectly fine to put it in there.

    Good luck with your betta!  

  7. As has been stated a bowl is not the best home for a betta.  A heated, filtered tank (one gallon minimum, but 5 if prefered) is best.  I personally have one of my males a ten gallon by himself.  

    I wouldn't put anything that is not made specifically for aquariums in your betta's bowl.. For enertainment you can also place things outside the bowl for him to look at.  One of my boys loves these plastic spiders my little brother left at my apartment.  Good luck!.    

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