
Is it okay if my bf playing poker with 3 chiks every single day ? and those girls hate me !!! ?

by  |  earlier

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My bf found this 3 new friends which are girls , and since than hes playing poker with them ever single night !!! they drug him to play even tho hes tired ans stuff but he still goes. Plua those girls hate me and my friends




  1. Ummm...they are fully clothed when the game is over right?

  2. No thats not right of him and if he where my man i would not be letting him go no way!. If he does not respect tell him to go be with one of them then.

  3. first of all you need to think of why they may hate you. did you do anything to cause it? if not, they are most likely jealous. take that as flattery, sweetie, because he chose to go "all in" with you.

    Trust is the most important thing in a relationship. have faith in your man if he's earned it.  

  4. uhmm wow

    i wouldnt be okey with it unless i was there

    they could be playing strip poker for all you know.

    keep in mind those girls hate you

  5. That doesn't sound ok at all...

    Talk it out dear...

  6. Well it is not okay. You should talk to your boyfriend. And I think those girls are hitting on your boyfriend. If you let this happen you could loose him... Be careful.

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