
Is it okay if you get bad grades and be confident at the same time?

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I don't know. I mean. I don't get THAT bad of my grades or anything, but I just felt the need to ask. I kind of feel underestimated into talking or speaking out loud or feeling confident or even having fun infront of a teacher.. that is because of my bad grades, I feel like somehow I don't have the right.

Am I right or should I just learn to be confident even if like a grade in my Chemistry class totally sucks?




  1. Its okay to feel confident. Everyone should feel confident in themselves. Try you hardest, and if the teacher thinks that you don't have the right to have fun, it doesn't matter what the teacher thinks as long as you know you are doing your best. But, if you want the teacher to see that you are trying hard, then show him/her by going to tutorials, and doing all of your work. If tests are your problem, be sure to do really good on homework to help keep the grade up. The internet helps me when I have questions on my homework by putting the question in google.

  2. One of the things you need to improve your bad grades ( and I hope that improving your bad grades is on your list of things to do) is to be confident in yourself.  You need to be confident in your abily to change and to learn.  Not very many people are good at every subject and you need to recognize that you may need to study more than an other person to get the same grade.  There is a difference between confident and apathy.  Apathy is when you don't care anymore and you go about your business as if everything is normal.  Confident is when you go about your business knowing you can make changes that can control the outcome of events and that your are not just blowing aimlessly in the wind.  Trust me, you can get away with more by being  a class clown with an A average, than a class clown with a D average.

  3. Confidence needs to be tied to reality.  Good grades are not the only thing to be concerned about but they are very important.  As long as you recognize that poor grades are not a sign of success, then perhaps you can have confidence in yourself in other areas; however, don't deny reality and think that you can make poor grades and everything else is going to be just fine; it probably isn't.

  4. at this age, one of the ways you are evaluated is your grades. so it does lo like life depends on the,. but when you grow up, you realize that academic success has little to do with how well you do in life. so as long as you behave properly, there is no reason why you should not have fun!

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