
Is it okay?????

by  |  earlier

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is it alright if i put 2 goldfish and 2 plecos in the tank with my common snapping turtle. The turtle is small. He is small enough to fit in the plam of your hand. Any help.




  1. it will probly eat them

  2. Is it OK? Sure! The snapper will appreciate the snacks!

  3. I don't think that would be such a good idea...seeing how there's always the chance that your fish will be eaten. And it isn't very good for turtles to eat goldfish. (They're so fatty) And even though they will eat the goldfish, it isn't good for them.

    So I would probably get a seperate tank for your goldfish and plecos. But if you don't want to, thats fine too. However there will always be a chance that they'll be supper.

  4. oh they will be gone real soon..

    he'll start by niopoin at the tails and then the bak tail will be gone and then .................... all gone!

  5. umm what do turtles eat umm I think its meat he will eat your fish
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