
Is it okay that she's not drinking water?

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My daughter has had vomitting and diarrhea since 3:30am, so 10 hours now. She is refusing to drink any water, the doctor said not to give milk until she hasn't vomitted for 8 hours, and she hasn't had a wet diaper since we changed her at 8:00pm last night.

The doctor at the emergency room said to bring her back if she hasn't had at least 2 wet diapers in a 24 hour period., or if she gets worse (vomits more, more diarrhea, etc), or if she refuses liquids.

She has taken 100mL of pedialyte, very slowly, of course, but she refuses to take water at all. In fact, when I offer it, she cries. Even if it's just sitting on the table or in front of her, she won't go near it.

I don't want to give her all pedialyte, but would like to keep her hydrated.

Is this considered refusing liquids? Is it okay that she won't take the water? Should I be worried?




  1. try Gatorade and the pedialyte and the water. If she is getting one of these liquids down she should be okay. I would fill a sippy or a bottle with each of the liquids and keep offering them to her.

    If she still has no wet diaper by 8 pm tonight I would take her back to the ER.

  2. Water probably tastes gross to her right now. She absolutely will refuse it. DEFINITELY do popsicles. Juice. Broth. Anything. Keep on with the Pedialyte -- it's much better than nothing!

    What's the reasoning behind the no milk thing? Because it might be hard on her tummy and make her throw up more?

    I really wouldn't worry because she's refusing water -- try some other things. Let her suck on small crushed up ice. Just make sure she gets something.

  3. Children can dehydrate very quickly.  Don't force the water, make sure she's drinking liquids.  It doesn't matter if it's pedialite, juice, popsickles, etc.   just keep her hydrated.

  4. give her some popsicles or make some popsicles in the freezer out of kool-aid or juice.

  5. When she cries, does she still have tears? If so, she is hydrated enough. If her lips are dry and cracked, she needs more fluids.

  6. No, it isn't okay that she doesn't get water.  

    If she is over age 1, give her Popsicles from frozen OJ or any kind of juice.  Try freezer pops that are just sugar water anyway - which is what pedialyte is with a little salt added.

    I would try putting the water in a fun cup with fun crazy straws.  Or into a sports bottle - my son loves that at 18 months.  Kool aid is also mostly water.  Anything that is water... but added with flavors is still getting water into your child.  I believe Gerber makes flavored waters for children.  There are also carbonated flavored waters that go over well with children because of the bubbles.

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