
Is it okay to be sweet & innocent?

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My name is Jessica. (this is my friends account I'm on, we share this account)

I have brown hair with blonde highlights, I'm very small & skinny, I have blue eyes, and I'm very white(not tooooo white). I'm that type of girl that would most likely shop at Limited Too & Justice and SOMETIMES arepostal. I'm very quiet at school, and I only have a few friends. I am loud around my family and I do stuff with my family more. Ecspecially my cousins!

so my question it okay for me to be sweet & innocent or should i change? I am going to be in high school soon and i don't want to be made fun of. so tell me your opionions on me!!! :)




  1. don't change for no one be happy for who you are, but if you really wanna change yourslef that's fine just make sure you make that right decision.

  2. If it's your natural inclination to be sweet and innocent, then stay that way.

  3. ah, how old are you if you shop at limited too? hahaha.

    just wondering. xD

  4. Just be YOU.  If everyone in the world was loudmouthed it would be horrible.  It doesn't really work to try and be different than you are - just be nice to people and they will like you.

  5. why would u want to change? you sound very sweet :)

  6. You should only change for you, who cares what everyone else thinks!

    It's your body and you life...I'm sweet and innocent and i don't care what other people think of me.

    High School is just one of those things that gets you ready for being an adult...people can act pretty stupid but it's just because they want to look big and bad so they don't get picked on.

    Just stick to being you

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