
Is it okay to bleach my sons hair?

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My 9 yr old son wants me to bleach his hair and dye it for the school holidays for a bit of fun. He has short shaved hair. I dont really see a problem with it, as its just for the holidays etc. He just wants it white ( it is sandy blonde now) with a blue star on the back. It will have grown out and he had a hair cut by the time school holidays are over. what do you guys think? should i do it?




  1. I cant see a problem with it. Go for it. Dont listen to those people who say he will want to drastically alter his appearance when he is older. My parents let me be creative when i  was young and it was great. When i reached my teenage years i did not feel the urge to rebel like my friends did. And  even if that's what he wants to do when he is older, does it really matter? no, as long as he is a good person, his personal style has nothing to do with it. Just because he wants his hair dyed, does not mean that he is going to grow up demented. The people that say this are uneducated.

  2. NO WAY he is far too young and the chemical could affect his skin and hair

  3. Don't. The chemicals are proven to cause hair loss in later years

  4. Why are you asking us.. he's your son..

  5. dont you can destroy your hair!

  6. I think you should do it.  It won't matter what other people think, only what he thinks.

  7. If he wants it go for it!

  8. It's OK if you use the semi permanent this wont cause the damage to his hair like the permanent coloring. The semi will wash out over time and it don't have the harsh chemicals in it .

  9. mmm, I don't agree with it. It's your choice.

  10. h**l no, he's a CHILD.  He shouldn't even have the blue star in the back.  Doesn't sound like you're mature enough to be a child's parent that's for sure.

  11. I would, just make sure he knows the consequence, if he dont like it.

  12. go for it

  13. no

  14. If he likes it you should do it but some other kids might not

  15. I would have a pro do it, but as long as you're okay with it, go ahead.

  16. since hes a boy, its fine. bleaching hair can sometimes cause hair dry/frizziness, but once it grows out, the hair will be back to normal.

    if its a girl that wants to get hair bleached, u better want 2 go against it because girls tend to like softer, smoother, anti-frizz-ish hair, so dont use it on a girl. not that boys dont like softer hair, but its just some girls play a little more with their hair and care a bit more.

    not that guys dont. uh--nevermind...just making matters worse...

  17. Do it, but with temporary dye.

  18. Not going to hurt anyone, or are you worried he's going to come home one day in fifth grade all tatted up and pierced.

  19. -giggles-

    Whatever your son wants. Unless your holiday is a few months long with won't grow out. And it is proven for hair loss.

  20. Put your foot down now and say it is appropriate for school!

  21. GO FOR IT - but then again I am the mother that let her 11 yr old boy get an ear ring - and then a mohawk at 14 - I say who cares it is only hair....and not really the battle I would want to fight - I like to save my NOs for things that matter, like smoking and drinking and voting republican.

  22. When he gets older and starts dying it blue, green, or purple are you going to care?  Personally, I don't think its a huge deal.  But I would be remiss to point out that by doing it you will be desensitizing him to the idea of doing something to drastically alter his appearance.  And when he gets to those rebellious teenage years, he may do something less innocent that you do not approve of.  Look at the small thing he wants now and consider the implications to the big picture of his development.  Personally, I'm not sure I'd do it for him if he were my son.  But you make the right decision for your family as you are best suited for that.

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