
Is it okay to block them?

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I enjoy writing fanfiction on the Internet and have written quite a number of wonderful stories. However, there's this one reader whom I feel quite uncomfortable with. This reader has already sent me a few private messages, in addition to reviews, saying and asking things which have made me feel quite uncomfortable. I just feel like I'm being harassed.

For example, she knows I'm using some real-life experiences that have happened to me in order to make a fictional character I'm writing about in my story more interesting. She is obsessed in finding out more about me and how many of my real-life cases I'm placing into my ficional character, rather than simply enjoying the story. If any of you had read the messages she had sent me, you would understand why it freaks me out. There's something else she's been saying as well, but I'd rather not say.

Anyway, eventually her messages and reviews began to disturb me so much, that I felt it was best to block her from writing or reviewing to me, or reading anymore of my stories. I don't plan on blocking her forever, maybe just for a week or two to get a break and then afterwards, I'll unblock her and see what happens. She might have calmed down by then.

Anyway, I guess my question is simply, if someone on the Internet is making you feel upset or disturbed in any way, no matter what it is they're saying, is it okay to block them?

The only good thing to come out of doing that, is that it brings me great relief. But, is it right?




  1. It is fine to block anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable.  

    You should never feel obligated to communicate with someone who makes you feel uncomfortable - especially on the internet!  

  2. Yes, I believe you should do it for your safety... and your stories safety.

  3. Of course it's right.  She is invading your privacy.

    I'm not sure if there are laws that would protect you from harassment on the Internet.  You may want to check on that.

    Have you tried telling her that you want to keep your anonymity and wish to remain private?  It could be that she is naive and do not know Internet protocols.  

    Or it could be a 'he' posing as a girl.  Watch out for those.

  4. It's your story, your safety. Block her if you feel it's necessary, and I'm sure it is. It doesn't hurt to take the precaution. It is quite strange, and I would be freaked out too, and I would block her too. Do it then.

  5. First, you send them a message:

    Please stop asking me about my private life- I just want advice on my writing.

    Something like that. Then if she persists, block her.

    Imagine if she was knocking at your door asking that and you kept letting her in. You'd have every right to lock the door and shout 'Go away!'

  6. Yes. Block her. If someone makes you uncomfortable, you are entitled to shut that out of your life.

    I would recommend saying something to her at first- in private message- how some of what she comments/writes bothers you. She might not be aware of it. Give her the opportunity to correct the behavior first. Be specific to what and why what she says bothers you.

    If she continues, then by all means block her.

  7. If for any reason at all you're uncomfortable with someone you shouldn't even think about hesitating, block them now.Your safety and well being come first.

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