
Is it okay to carry a Baseball bat in my car?

by Guest33474  |  earlier

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I'm by myself alot driving, more so at night. And I was thinking I could carry a baseball bat around in my car incase I get into a run in. And i don't know if it would be okay, the cops could say it was a conceled weapon or something. Soo I'm not sure.




  1. You can carry one with you.  But you can not use it as a weapon unless you are defending yourself because then you can use anything at hand.  Just make sure you said you had it in the car from a game you played with friends and not for protection.  You just never took it out. That's all.  Good luck

  2. Pretty dumb question I would think. First you cant swing a baseball bat in a closed car...Second you cant run to first base while sitting in a car...refering to your term: run in. You have to run to, not run in - first base.

  3. Anything is a weapon in the right context.

    If you have a bunch of baseball gear in your trunk, including a few bat, then no.

    If you keep it under your driver's seat, or on your passenger seat, maybe.

    The minute you use it for anything beyond baseball, however, it becomes classified as a weapon.

  4. If you want to stay legal then consult your constabulary for advice.

    Get yourself a robust vehicle and if need be a means of self defence, spray, tazer, 12 bore , missile.

    Use main routes and be alert to your surroundings.

  5. No it's not legal unless you have other Baseball type equipment but even then you may have to prove to the court that you are on a team or you play socially or that your child is on a team. They could even question your friends and family to confirm such information. I would suggest pepper spray. It's 100% legal and it's small and effective and you can carry it easily in your purse.

  6. If asked,  you just never took it out after your last softball game.    It isn't concealed if it is in plain view.

    Keep in mind that many who carry weapons often get them used on themselves.    Better to use your car to get away from danger to a safer location.

  7. Sure you can carry a baseball bat in your car.  Even if a cop asked you about it, you could say you play softball or something.  It isn't illegal.

    However, I think that carrying it is leaving you with a false sense of security.  If you got carjacked, you would never have a chance to grab it and swing it before you got grabbed and it will not protect you against a gun or a knife.

    I used to carry a footlong lead pipe under my seat.  It was small and easy to use.  Numchucks would be another good idea once you learn how to use them.

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