
Is it okay to cry alot?

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i have to sell my dog in 2 days and i dont want to.

even though i only had him for 7 months, i've grown

so attatched to him. I know its silly to cry over a pet

but i cant help it. He was with me all the time. Simple

little things we would do together. I feel like im going to be

alone. I cant stop crying. what would you guys do?

I know when he leaves he'll cry too. because even if i leave

him with my mom for a couple hours, hes waiting at the

stairs for me, or by the door, or by my bedroom crying!!




  1. Yes it's okay to cry.  I'm very sorry to hear that.  Why do you have to give him away?

    You love you dog, no matter what your age it's okay to be sad.  I would be too.

  2. It's fine - you always have to feel what you feel, and don't let anyone tell you anything different.

    I'm not sure why your dog is leaving, but it sounds like he'll have a good home - be happy for him, and remember that he probably won't want to leave you either, so it may not be a good idea for you to be there when he leaves unless you can be strong about it.

    I'm so sorry you have to part with your dog - perhaps Mom can ask his new family to send you pictures of how he is doing.  That always helps me be happy when I have fostered a nice dog that  has gotten a nice family, and certainly made me very proud when my puppies left, too.

  3. I don't think its weird or abnormal to cry over a pet. To me my dogs are my family we had to put our poodle down two months ago and my mom still cries over her. I know when I have to put my dog down I will be crying a lot... I'm sorry you have to sell him. :(

    thats a very tough thing.

  4. c**p. I almost cried just reading that, if you have to give him away just make sure it is to a good home. That's really sad, why would you have to give away your pet?

  5. Yeah, that's a perfectly ok reason to cry.  I had two german shepherd pups once that I took great care of and they were awesome dogs.  But one day they both got sick and I couldn't do anything for them and they unfortunately died.. and It broke my heart.  You really get attached to them you don't want to give up something you care about, so yah its ok.

  6. It is NOT silly to cry over a pet! They love you, and you love them. When you love something and it gets taken away, it's natural to cry!

    When my dog Shima died, I couldn't stop crying for hours that day, and weeks after!

    I'm so sorry for you, its a very difficult situation to be in. Its okay to cry over a pet, you loved him.

    Also, why do you have to give him away?

  7. So sad! why do you have to give him away?!

    I was going to give away the last pup I got a few months ago but I just couldn't do it.

  8. You will eventually stop crying.  Emotions are part of being human.  Wait.  You will stop eventually.  As far as missing the animal goes, that might go on for a life-time.  BUT, you can and will learn to live with it.

  9. yess its okay to cry, i know i would if i had to give my dog away.

    why do have to give him away?

    its okay to feel sad. i hope you feel better soon.

  10. Its not silly to cry over a pet. I have only had my dog 8 months and I cant imagine having to get rid of him. I am so very sorry you have to do that. If you can be involved in who you sell him to. Make sure and ask them any questions you want to put your mind at ease. Find him a good home and you will know your dog is being treated right. If you can try to sell him to family or friends or even ask whoever you sell him to if you can come visit. If they are to far away try and get their phone number or e-mail address so you can stay in touch and at least call and ask how your dog is doing.  

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