
Is it okay to do the... "Same workout routine"? (Cardio & Weights)?

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Over the past 2 months, i have been doing 30 minutes on my 'Cross Country Machine' EVERY morning (burns 230-245 calories)

After I've had lunch, i do some medium weights;

- 2 sets of 30 dumbbell rows (one set on each arm)

- 3 sets of 10 dumbbell curls

- 3 sets of 10 dumbbell bench press'

- 3 sets of 10 dumbell bench flys

- 3 sets of 10 push-ups

- 3 sets of 10 squats

Then, in the evening; after my dinner... i do another 15 minutes on my 'Cross County Machine' (burns around 120 calories) i mentioned, i do this EVERYDAY, without fail.

Is it ok to carry on? or is it best to change my workout routine? and why?




  1. Sounds good to me, as long as you feel good and are seeing/feeling some results.

  2. You really need to change up the routine.

    You muscles need time to recuperate. When you use weights your muscles actually tear (so slight that you do not notice). They then repair themselves. That is how they get bigger. When you do not rest those sets of muscles that is when they get repaired. If you have ever felt the burn, that is when your muscles are tearing and rebuilding.

    Have one day for your legs

    next day for arms and shoulders

    next day for abs and back


    check out this site for a routine.

  3. if your trying to bulk up increase the weights and drop the reps

    if your trying to loose weight increase the cardio

    if your trying to tone up keep the weight the same and increase the reps

    lastly if your just trying to maintain your figure keep it up ( but repetition can get real boring especially if you do it everyday)

    if your in a gym try and find a work out buddy swap routines or somthing just to keep your habbit entertaining rather than a burden

  4. Every once and a while you need to change it up. Your muscles get used to certain exercises and "cheat" on familiar exercises. Your not getting as much from the exercise as you did when you first started.

    Just get like 3 different routines and switch up.

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