
Is it okay to drink diet coke 3 or more times a day?

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Not all the time




  1. Not if you're trying to lose weight.  

  2. Diet pop is believed to be even worse for you than normal pop. It's a bad idea to drink either on a regular basis. Normal pop makes you gain weight. Diet pop contains a LOAD more of caffeine, and contains artificial sweeteners that can be bad for your health. Many of these are noted to be liable to cause cancer.

    Also, simply experience the taste of pop so regularly is bad as well, because you get used to it and start to want that sweet/sugary taste in everything you eat, which, if you cave in to this, will make you overweight.

  3. No drinking soda that much is bad no matter if its diet or not.

    Stick to water.  

  4. i don't think it's good for you, too many chemicals and unnatural things in there.  drink water, once you get used to it, you'll like it, and in fact you'll crave it.  water's so healthy for you, ditch the diet coke!  

  5. No, diet soda is horrible for you. Even though it has no calories, it is filled with artificial and chemical sweeteners and when drunk excessively can wreak serious havoc on your health. Soda is so disgusting, doesn't it just feel like sh*t when you put it in your mouth? Yuck. Don't drink diet soda at all, let alone 3 or more times a day!

  6. I would have to go with no, even though it might seem refreshing or whatever your body does not know how to process and use the artificial sugar.

    Not to mention it contains aspartame and high fructose corn syrup.

    I actually love Diet Coke I am trying to wean myself off of it right now. I know it's hazardous it's hard to stop drinking once you have it.

    It's a lie that any soda diet or otherwise is good for you. It's all bad and so many people are addicted to it. As well as the energy drinks out in the market today.

  7. Well the fact it's pretty much poison suggests no (look up high fructose corn syrup - it's a bad bad thing).  Drink water, 100% fruit juice, or naturally flavored water.

  8. my brother drinks like 7 per day and he is in reasonably healthy so ya its ok

  9. Ick, diet coke is not only gross, but the artificial sugar causes cancer.  

  10. No no no

  11. Sure, if you wanna run the risk of ending up like Michael j. Fox (he was addicted to diet pepsi). Especially if it is so-called sugar free. Google Aspartame and find out what it does to your body.

  12. Yuck

  13. It's awful for you, don't drink that garbage.

  14. It's basically nothing but water but it still will attack you teeth like any other pop, so make sure you take care of them!

  15. I believe so my family does it all the time.

  16. Give up soda period. It has no nutritional value. Drink water with lemon or lime that you make yourself. Be careful about what you put in your body. Don't eat or drink anything that has ingredients that you can not pronounce or a long long list of chemicals.

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