
Is it okay to drink with a guy friend who has a GF?

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My guy friend and I got absolutely trashed together to the point where I threw up. I wanted to sleep over and stay on his couch, but he said his girlfriend would not approve. But I find it hard to believe that she would approve of us drinking together. He refers to me as his best friend..and we basically hang out everyday....He even cooks for me. What's going on here?




  1. maybe he wants you to be his FB

  2. no..  

  3. I think he just enjoys your company and you as a friend. It is probably fine to go out and drink with him as long as you don't go too far. You are right in the fact that his girlfriend would more than likely not approve of you two having drinks together. He probably knows when to draw the line. I know it can seem really harmless to sleep on his couch when you come home intoxicated but I think that he is afraid that he might mess up his relationship or cause some conflict with his girlfriend somehow. You are definitely right in the observation that his girlfriend probably wouldn't approve him going out and having drinks with him, and how that is in the same category as sleeping over on his couch because they are similar in the fact that it they would make the gf unhappy. I think he just doesn't wanna take any chances that things will go somewhere they aren't suppose to. In the end, he definitely needs to figure out how to explain himself.  

  4. This depends what you're drinking.

  5. I'm not sure I would like either but I could tolerate the drinking togther more than I could the part with you sleeping over.  Would u be ok with that situation if the tables were turned?  

  6. I think she is uptight. I wouldn't care if my nonexistent boyfriend had a girl spend the night, AS LONG as she was on the couch and he wasn't. If he didn't do anything with her, they could drink all they want to, whatevs. Unlike some girls, I base my relationships on trust.

  7. Yeah, he deffinatley wants you to be his FB !

  8. It sounds like adolescent idiocy to me.  That's what's going on.

    Where's his gf when you two are drinking together?

    Would you be his girlfriend if you had the chance?

    Ouch.  Just saw that long-distance info.

    Now you're treading on dangerous ground.  His gf is far away and you two are getting drunk together to the point where you want to sleep over on the couch.

    Then what?  Then the couch becomes, "Well, if you just sleep beside me, it would be a lot more comfortable for you.  Nothing's going to happen."

    Don't get that drunk with a guy who has a gf.  It's just not very respectful.  Besides, if you guys got together, you're going to become the girl he cheats on after a few months of bliss.  Even if he doesn't, you'll always have that in the back of your mind.

    He's immature for getting that drunk with you while his gf is away.

  9. well...

    Would you want your boyfriend to have a girl that is drunk to spend the night??? You maybe his friend but you still are the opposite s*x.

    Use Your Brain!!

  10. talk to his gf, make sure everything is cool so she doesnt get the wrong picture.

  11. I'd definitely be questioning who wears the pantz. Of course its alright to drink with w guy friend who already has a girlfriend. Just don't crack on to him cos she's probably jealous  

  12. It sounds like he has fun with you, but it also sounds like he respects his woman.  Do you want to be his girlfriend?  If so, tell him. If not, then have fun with him and don't expect to sleep on his couch.  

  13. Wow, I'd back off because I'm not the person to cause any waves in a relationship. That is something that if his gf isn't ok with you shouldn't interfere. In my eyes it's totally wrong. If she was cool about it go for it but if not why do it.

    Put yourself in her shoes. If you had a bf you cared highly for would you want him drinking with any other lady and have her spend the night. Could have found a way to get you home safely? I think so.



  14. no its horrible if i was his girlfriend i'd beat him over the head and kill you

  15. well come get drunk with me i am a single and an amazing cook lol

  16. Yeah no. There has to be a bit something more.... When it gets to the point where the friend is with someone else, honestly, some ties need to be cut loose there. All it's going to do is cause problems between him and her and that could also cause problems between the two of you as well. I mean, there is no harm in just being friends but I would definitely start to distance yourself a little bit. Friends are one thing but this sounds like it could get you both into some trouble. It's never a good idea especially when there is alcohol involved.... if you know what I mean?  

  17. You're drunk... very vulnerable, and having no clue at all what you're doing. I'd be siding with the girlfriend on this one. I wouldn't be able to tolerate my boyfriend having a drunk girl sleeping on his couch. It's just something you don't do. Even though you're only friends, you're still the opposite s*x, and I've heard so many stories of girls and guys who are just friends, ending up having s*x because they're drunk.

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