
Is it okay to drink with a guy friend who has a girlfriend?

by Guest62794  |  earlier

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My guy friend and I got absolutely trashed together to the point where I threw up. I wanted to sleep over and stay on his couch, but he said his girlfriend would not approve. But I find it hard to believe that she would approve of us drinking together. He refers to me as his best friend..and we basically hang out everyday....He even cooks for me. What's going on here?




  1. I don't think you should be drinking and so close with your friend. Put yourself in the girlfriend's shoes. She probably thinks he's cheating, etc. Keep your distance and don't get trashed with him. Then you will end up sleeping with him and that whole thing is drama you don't need.

  2. no its not things happen when you drink .no no no !!

  3. you're just friends. i think it's ok as long as his girlfriend is aware of it and is ok with it and as long as you two know you would never do anything with eachother when you're drunk

  4. would it be ok for your BF to be doing these things with another girl?

    If he has a GF, then respect that!  stay away!  have you met this GF? if she is real then stay away until he dont  have a GF any longer.

  5. well he is sober and makes out with you have problem. just right now y'all are just friends and he sees it that way.  

  6. ummm i think he likes you more than just a friend!!

  7. Yeah, that's kind of weird?  I'd like to be liberal and say it's ok to have a guy friend but unless he's g*y or your a L*****n it's just going to rub the significant other they're dating the wrong way!  I wouldn't want my guy to have a girl as a best friend....I'm his best friend!  What can she offer that I can't offer?  I can understand a guy friend for a guy it's that testosterone thing, talk about women or just do the male bonding thing. No, if you have a boyfriend yourself why aren't you with him?  And if he has a girlfriend he should be hanging out with her.  It just isn't right! Obviously you think this is strange or you wouldn't be here?  If a guy gets drunk he wouldn't think of making out with his best guy buddy, but a woman, even a best friend woman...tends to look pretty good after several drinks...the temptation is to strong in my opinion.

  8. I don't think it's appropriate.

  9. Yes i think its fine his gf might get jealous but if he is your friend dont even worry about it i love having guy friends i think we click better =]

    good luck =]

  10. well it depends, if the gf is also friends with you and therefore trusts you then its ok, i mean i wont mind my bf drinking with a girl that I know and trust..

    it also depends on how long they have been together and what stage they are in their relationship.  it also depends on other things such as whether other people in the past have made comments on you and your bestfriend about being a couple instead of just friends (and the gf knows).  or whether he spends more time with you than with his gf.

    basically, it all depends on your relationship with the gf. and also the gf's level of trust on your bestfriend.

    also spending a night over at a guy's house is much different from just drinking.

  11. yes. as long as the girl friend is aware that his boy boyfriend is with his best friend and also knows what you are doing together for example you drank together.

    well drinking with friends is alright once in a while but don't drink too much to the point that you can't take it that would result to throwing up. I guess his girl friend didn't approve because she knows his boy friend that something might happen especially that you guys are drunk. but I believe that you guys won't do that destroying the trust of another person. there is nothing wrong if you hang out together everyday, and he even cooks for you. as long as you know your limitations that your relationship with him is just friends and nothing more than that.

    except if you really feel something for him... God bless you

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