
Is it okay to eat 2 bananas in one day?

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Well I obviously know it's healthy but am I getting too much of one nutrient/vitamin/whatever? I also ate celery, dried fruits, salad, and an apple.




  1. Eat as much as you can.

    You will never become too fat if you eat vegetarian food only(excluding egg/milk).

  2. if otherwise you have a balanced diet the two bananas might be pushing it on the potassium but if youre working out alot or you dont get much potassium form any where else in your diet youre prolly fine =]

  3. yes

  4. No i think your ok to eat 2 naners beside i have never heard of any monkeys dropping dead of an overdose of one for me I love them too!!!

  5. If you're not suffering from any diseases (particular diabetes or renal diseases), then it is perfectly fine. Many days I have eaten six or seven bananas in one sitting! People who say you will be harmed generally don't know the facts or are just scaremongering.

    While bananas are high in potassium, they do not have near the amount that many people believe. An extra-large (9+ inches) banana has only 16% daily value of potassium! Also note that the maximum daily value gives you room to go above (even by quite a bit) and below. A baked potato with the skin on it has 46% daily value of potassium, about the same as three extra-large bananas.

    Also, keep in mind, these are extra-large bananas, and you generally eat medium or large bananas!

  6. Yes, it's alright. I wouldn't suggest eating many bananas every day though. I used to eat five every day, simply because I loved bananas. Over time, the potassium overdose will cause health problems.

  7. you don't want to eat too much fruit, though it is believed that fruit is amazing for you which is some ways it is; but eating too much can cause you to get fat for the fructose is only used by one organ and once it's had enough fructose it turns it all into fat.

  8. Only if you are on a renal diet. The potassium would be too much for someone with renal disease, but it's perfectly alright for the average


  9. Eat eat eat.  If you are on a 100% banana diet, they you may want to think twice about that, but yeah, go ahead, pig out, eat them all you want.  People drink way too much coffee every day, and you don't hear them even giving it a first thought, and they're f-f-f-f-f-f-fine.

  10. u can ,it is good 4 u..its good patasio. and its good

  11. Sure, why not? It's not as though you are eating bananas to the exclusion of everything else.

  12. Bananas provide your body with important nutriets, obviously the main one being potassium. I, myself, love bananas as well. I'm a runner so a banana makes a great morning snack or after run pick-me-up.

    In addition, bananas are a natural acid neutralizer, so it's very easy on your stomach!

    If your concerned, try adding this delicious into something which offers other nutriets as well. I have a delicious banana bread recipe which is so TASTY! The taste of the bananas really comes out and at the same time, I know I am getting other nutrients like, carbohydrates (it's bread) and protein (if you put the nuts in).

    Hope you like it!

  13. Yes. You are not over doing any vitamins but you should up your calories.  Add Nuts &/or Nut Butters, Grains such as Brown Rice, Whole Grain Bread or Pastas. Are you getting enough good "Fats", Extra Virgin Olive oil, Avocados, Nuts, Olives, etc.

  14. I agree with the last poster, your not going to OD on potassium eating 2 bananas a day.  

  15. yes,  you'll be getting nearly 3 grams of protein...  (that's 3000 mg for those out there who don't know what a gram is)  160 calories..

    6  grams of fiber..       potassium 500 mg....  so on.

    here,  this will be a good reference for you.

    so much on the whole  'fruits and veggies'  aren't good for you eh?

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