
Is it okay to eat ants?

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So I was hungry and decided to eat some caramel popcorn that my boyfriend bought the day before while watching T.V. After about 10 minutes I looked at my finger because I felt something crawling on it. It was an ant, I looked inside the box and it was infested with ants! So gross. I once ate an ant at science camp but they were found on a tree, these were house ants. Is it okay if i ate "10 minutes worth" of ants? Will I get sick?




  1. thats sick

  2. Doristar...Park your self in front of full size morror. You may change in volume and look like AUNTY.........!!!!

  3. hahahhaa  hey its ok da ,take lots of water thts it and here after watch out u r eating ok instead eating wht ever u get ok byee

  4. they do in oaxaca mexico.that and grasshoppers,mini ones.yikesthough!

  5. It is perfectly alright to eat ants but they are very bitter. Thus in some countries they are covered in chocolate or candied which you did by having them on caramel popcorn.

  6. Sure.  They're quite edible.  Many candy stores sell them chocolate covered and in hard amber style candies.  They might not be the same variety, but there aren't any toxic ones in North America.   Not sure about elsewhere in the world.

    There's really only two issues I can see.   One would be if they tromped through some insecticide before you ate them.  Since you were fairly grossed out by them and used the word "infested," I'm guessing they were fairly healthy.   They'd be in pretty rough shape (upside down, curled up, dead, or staggering aimlessly) if they stomped through some RAID products.  

    The second issue is that the formic acid in them (the stuff that gives them a sour taste) also means they're bad for your teeth if you eat a lot of them.   Doesn't sound like you'll be going back for seconds, so I guess that's not much of a concern.

  7. if u know u ate tooo much. u should uhh umm *dies*

  8. don't worry nothing gonna happen.. you already killed them..

      and you stomach gonna kick them off now..

    so everything is fine. stay easy..

  9. They're considered a delicacy in some places; I really wouldn't worry about it.

  10. High in protein :D but no, they wont hurt you

  11. If your an anteater

  12. lol dont worry about it i have have ate ants be4..

  13. ew, didn't you barf?

  14. I'm not sure.

    But I think the acids in your stomach kills the ants.

  15. yes i have them plenty of times on dares and stuff

  16. Actually they're very good for you.

    ( also on average a person consumes 1 lb. of insects( unknowingly) every year.

    No, you won't get sick.

    You can buy chocolate covered ants in many places.

    Here's a nice site.

  17. i think your tellin proper porky pies.

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