
Is it okay to eat brownie mix or raw cookie dough?

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when you are pregnant with the raw eggs in it? i am 11 weeks with my first :)




  1. of course it is just not too much you might get sick  

  2. Raw eggs are always a no-no, even though we all like to indulge in a little bit of uncooked cookie dough for time to time! During pregnancy it is important to be especially vigilant about raw eggs. Raw eggs carry salmonella, which can cause food poisoning. The severe diarrhea and vomiting caused by the salmonella bacteria could stress your baby and cause preterm labor. To prevent salmonella poisoning, avoid foods containing raw eggs including

    I know this sucks!! Cookie dough sounds sooooo good right now!!

  3. i dont think thats a very good idea.

  4. You can get salmonella from eating raw eggs. It would be especially dangerous to risk this when you are pregnant.  I know I have a taste of cookie dough here and there and nothing happened, but I wouldnt risk it during a pregnancy.

  5. Yea what everyone else is saying. Its not good for you anyway though the risk is small that you will get sick but why even bother taking the risk when you are pregnant?  

  6. It's never a good idea to eat anything with raw eggs in it...pregnant or not.  

  7. You really shouldn't eat anything with raw eggs in it.  This is really unsafe for the baby.  I know it is tempting.  I made some brownie's the other day & I really wanted to l**k that bowl clean, lol.  This is a small sacrifice though, your baby is soo worth it.  Good luck to you :)

  8. Honestly, you shouldn't ever eat anything with raw eggs, but I do anyways....not when you're pregnant though, its better safe than sorry.

  9. You should really avoid raw eggs, especially when pregnant.

    Your immune system is lower right now and any bacteria/parasites in the eggs would not be killed without cooking and so could harm you or your baby.

    However, freezing for 24 hours also will kill these bacteria, so if you are really craving cookie dough, buy the frozen kind if you must. I would consult your doctor to be sure, of course.

    Better safe than sorry.

  10. Even if you aren't pregnant, you're not really suppose to do that.  However, lots of people do and it never hurts a thing.  I suggest using your best judgment.  I, personally, would avoid it.  Now is not the time to get salmonella poisoning.

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