
Is it okay to eat fattening food if i exercise everyday?

by  |  earlier

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Well I exercise every single day so im in extremely good shape. I eat fairly healthy food, but i just wanted to know if it's okay to eat junk food sometimes as long as i burn it off everyday.




  1. in moderation

  2. Certainly! As long as you exercise and work off those calories.  

  3. All things in moderation. As long as you don't overindulge and eat well and exercise it's fine to have some junk food here and there. The problem is that for too many people the junk is a big part of their diet.

  4. not eating it every day is okay.Maybe like once every 2 weeks is good but the day you eat it,you gotta work extra hard to keep that bod.

  5. yes! i do it at least 3 times a week. i run 3 miles everyday in 30 minutes and do weights 3 times week, i always eat 3 healthy meals and snacks, then a few times a week i have big bowl ice cream. and some candy. havent gained weight, been doing it for over year.

  6. Sugar rots your teeth; and that has nothing to do with exercising.  Cholesterol clogs your arteries; and exercise won't necessarily affect that either.  It's amazing how many slim, fit people actually have high cholesterol!  

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