
Is it okay to eat pizza?

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I live with my sister. I came home and found a pizza on the countertop. I took a slice and ate it. Basically what I am wondering is am I wrong to assume it is okay for me to eat a slice of pizza from a pizza I find on the counter of the house I live in?




  1. it's your sister's? eat it, then deny you wasn't me. lol

  2. depends, was there a whole pizza there? if there was i would be reluctant because she could have left the room for a minute to come back and take the whole pizza somewhere. it kinda reminds of this show called the ace of cakes. they were in a hotel and they were taking this really designed cake to the car, and when they came back all the filler cake was gone. (because it was such a big party, the designed cake wasn't enough to feed all of those people) the maids were eating it! just because they were gone for a minute the maids had assumed that the cake was free game. so to you i say if there was some pizza already taken, sure you could eat it, she is your sister, seems she would expect something like that to happen with you living with her and all

  3. Even if you live in the house you should ask not just take if it doesn't belong to you.and second off do you know how bad pizza really is for you? Take it from someone who knows.Its very high in cholesterol.TABOO

  4. Sure.  Why?  Did she make a big deal out of it that you ate a slice?

  5. it was unattended and seemingly disregarded. so you were providing a community service by reducing the size of the problem.

  6. Well, it's alright if you're really sure she doesnt have company over.

    But, you know, she could have friends with her, && then come back and be like 'What the h**l?  Where's my pizza?!'

    So, it depends on the kind of relationship you have with her.  If you guys are the kind of siblings who buy each other dinner, && stock the fridge without getting all pissy about who's buying, then eat away.  But if not, be cautious about the pizza you're eating.

  7. Yes I do think its wrong to assume it is still good but if you asked someone who's it was and where they got it from and how long it has been there, it would be okay.

  8. Depends. How many slices are left? I would be pissed if there were only 2 slices left. If I was going to share with friends, I would be doubly pissed.

  9. That pizza might be full of bacteria. Better put it in the mircrowave before gorging on it.

  10. well, yes and no, its pizza, its not like its expensive, and it was just sitting there. it's almost safe for you to assume that she expected you to have some, but without asking, it is kinda rude, if she gets mad, give her a dollar, i'm sure thats more than the cost of one slice of pizza

  11. Pizza is always fair game. Always.

  12. Not really.  But I actually had this discussion with some friends today and we came to the consensus that "any food within my space is free range for the eating".  (We were discussing the right for one roommate to "claim" food).  

    Sure, it's not polite to eat all your roommate's things.  Just don't eat the last piece of pizza, or the last beer...but if there are multiple pieces - go nuts!!

    Just make sure you even it out and don't throw a tizzy if she eats a slice of your pizza.

  13. of course its ok to take it if that's your house but then again that depends was the pizza already started or u took the first bite?

    cause if the pizza was already started then by all means more power to u

    however ppl might see it was wrong to assume before getting the confirmation

    but then again u have to think of it this way ... is all of this just over analyzing it because i mean pizza's pizza but is it the principle behind the slice... well thats for u to decide

  14. Pizza left on the counter is fair game (as long as its not a brand new pizza with no slices gone!)

    If she wanted to keep it for leftovers I would hope she would put a note on it or put it in the fridge.  Or even wrap it up in tinfoil. Leaving it on the counter in the box implies that she's done with it and it will probably be thrown away.

    I like room temperature pizza so I leave my box on the counter when I'm done. However - my boyfriend who lives with me knows this and he knows that it means I'm waiting to have it for breakfast or something. lol

  15. lol, depends on how you guys share food. If their was almost a full pizza pie then I think its better but if its like 2 left then that choose gets harder.

  16. You ate it .  So why ask after the fact.  There is nothing you can do about it now.

  17. It sounds like ground rules are in order - that invite all to participate, with good results. Offer to pay your share, and ask what she thinks is best the next time food is left out to tempt her room mates.  Have a healthy and happy leap year!

  18. umm of course it could be, but it wouldnt hurt to ask.

    just try that next time, but if you dont want to walk all the way over to the other person and your nearly exhausted, then just take one.anyways thanks for asking!!

  19. You find it you eat it thats my strategy. I dont think its rude a little inconsiderate but not rude.

  20. I would,but only a slice,and only if there were slices already eaten.If the pizza was whole I'd say no!!

  21. well are you sick? feeling sick?

    ask you sis how long its been there..'

    did it taste bad?

    these are the ? you should be asking yourself..only you know if it was good.

    plus whats a bite..

  22. She's your sister and must know that you're living with her now. So, if she knows you're there, then she must know you might take it. If she doesn't want you to take something then she should tell you because she shares her home now.

  23. yes im pretty sure its okay for you to eat a slice of pizza from a pizza that you found on the counter of the house you live in.

  24. oh of course.  make sure whoever is eating it isnt sick though.

  25. If you have to ask, you probably already know the answer.

  26. you live there you can eat pizza

  27. If you only took a slice i dont really seem the harm. How long have you lived together and why wouldnt it be ok?

  28. I'm guessing you're asking because she's mad you took some without asking first.She ordered it,likely paid for it.It was hers.

  29. bhahaa my family had i huge argument about this, funny u should say. one day my brother (tom) walked into our house, he has lived here his whole life, there was pizza on the table, and he took a piece.  like he usually does when he sees food lol. my other brother (greg) saw him, and got very mad because that was soppose to be his wifes piece of pizza (lol)

    Greg and he now wife (was finance at this time) lived in our house, for a short period of time, so Tom wasn't used to having to be careful about what he ate in his house. anyways there was a bigg fight, in the end tom won because it was just a piece of pizza

    it's a bit different from your story but in the end, what u did was fine lol yeah it's her house w/e was there a whole pizza left? no one will miss one piece =D

  30. It depends on you and your sister's policy in the house. If you guys share food then it's okay. But it's pizza and it's family, so I would believe so. If it was college roommates, then that's another story.

  31. it's good cold   it's good hot  it's good all the time except if your over .8 and climbing

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