
Is it okay to eat raw shrimp?

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Is it okay to eat raw shrimp?




  1. eww, why would you even want to do that?

  2. no its not okay to eat raw shrimp.

    and even in sushi restaurants they cook their shrimp for a few minutes b4 serving it...thats why the shrimp is reddish-white vs a transparent white.

  3. Everything she said except raw shrimp are very good as sushi. You need to make sure they are as fresh as can be. If using frozen thaw in very cold water .

  4. Only if you are at a sushi bar or restaurant that has a very knowlegable and very well trained Sushi Chef.

    Otherwise, you could be in for a really bad stomach ache or worse.

  5. this is not a good idea at all.  The consumption of uncooked or undercooked fish or seafood can cause food-borne illnesses!!  These foods can contain extremely high levels of harmful bacterias that can't be killed unless heated to a certain temperature, and if a place is sketchy enough to serve you raw shrimp, you can't trust how long it has been sitting out.  If food sits it the temperature danger zone (between 41-140)  for 4+ hrs the bacteria levels in the food can be deadly.  Ciguatera is a form of seafood poisoning that is caused by toxins found in fish from the Caribbean.  And what about red tide, eatting fish that was affected by red tide can be badddd news.  Just please cook your seafood!  THnks!

  6. no dont eat it

  7. I wouldn't....unless I caught them myself out of the ocean....and even then I would have to be on a deserted island with no source of fire

    there is seviche...its when fish is "cooked" by soaking it in citrus juices and the acidity firms up the flesh (as well as kills all the bacteria)

    so my final answer is....I would if I was half starved and could chase it with a glass of lemon juice

  8. Only if you trust your fish monger, caught them yourself or you are eating at a well respected sushi restaurant. If they aren't fresh you can get very ill - otherwise you are golden.

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