I had a pregnancy scare a few months ago and it terrified my fiance and I. We're both 18 and while we want children more than anything we want them VERY far in the future. I'm on depo provera but my doctor told me she'd schedule my shot for me and I was a whole 5 weeks late getting a shot because of it. Then I had symptoms of pregnancy some normal ones some not so normal ones (nasea, migraines, being...um...extra lubricated all the time, weird dreams, and light spotting, etc). I took a test and it was positive. But a week and a half later my doctor performed a pregnancy test and it was negative. She said it was probably a chemical pregnancy. Anyways it scared us badly we're not ready financially or emotionally. We'll be married in a few months...but somehow if I do get pregnant before we're ready even if we're married we'd want to give the baby up for adoption. When I told my mom this she gasped like it was taboo. What's the deal? Does marriage change it?