
Is it okay to go to America as a German ?

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I will be going to University in california and i want to have a life there in america and also try and pursue music and have a band.Will americans be fine with me as a german and is it okay if i have a german citizenship and live in america ?




  1. If you're White, everything will be fine.

    I knew this German guy in high school and he did the n**i salute OFTEN in my social studies class (in a serious manner) and people would laugh at him.

  2. We accept everyone.  

  3. Oh, take it from me.  I'm an American who has traveled to Germany several times (I LOOOOOOVE your country!)   Americans will definitely accept you!  ESPECIALLY if you're getting into the music scene.  The rocker kids love Germans and Germany.  Deutchland ist schon!  Ich liebe Deutchland!  But why IN THE WORLD would you come to America for University?!  It's FREE in Germany!  In Germany, they even pay your room and board, computer fees and EVERYTHING!  In America, it's soooooo expensive!  I'm deep in debt just for going to get an education!  You should stay there where it's free.  In your country, they used to pay everything except for 700Euros or something, but everyone protested and now you can go TOTALLY for free.  I've been thinking about going there for school, but as you can see, my German is really bad.  You will be accepted here, but you will probably be better off there.

  4. No because alot of white americans are too stupid to recognize when someone is different unless  their skin tone is different. You will be fine. But just be prepared for alot of insensitive n**i references because we are pretty stupid here.

  5. s***w Germans!! Lol it's cool brother. Ya you will be fine especially in california laid back hippies there who smoke weed and have rock bands. You are fine I have alot of german friends

  6. Yes.  My ex-girlfriend was half-German.  We have Germans all over the place in America.  It is a melting-pot, after all.

    If you live in America for a certain amount of time, you must become a U.S. citizen.

  7. Of course you'll be okay.

  8. ya. German's are cool

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