
Is it okay to hate yourself and your body?

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I do not like my appearance and I hate my body. I have hated myself since I was five. Is this okay?




  1. i hate my appearance too but i just deal with it  

  2. It's never okay to hate yourself, but it is a common problem among women and girls...

    I'm very sorry you don't like yourself and you haven't for so long, perhaps you need a reason to love yourself!

    I fight Human Trafficking. I know I'd love your help. If you don't like yourself because of your weight, that can be worked on. If it's something else I'm sure that can he aided, too! I'll help you out any way I can.

    I bet you're a great person. I bet you're amazing and I know you have the potential to help change this world for the better.

  3. Hating yourself in any way is not okay because it leads to hating others.

  4. hi sweety listen i know exaclty how you feel i mean im going through h**l because everyone says im ugly and stuff im not saying u r but i know what its like to feel bad about yourself and its not easy also i think im fat and others are jelous of my body but i dont really understand why anyways/ what im trying to say is

    its not as bad as you think and no matter how bad of a situation you are in.. there is ALWAYS someone in a worse one so you know what life is too short to feel sorrie for yourself and about the body thing it doesnt take much just get up 30 minutes earlier to jog

  5. No.

    This is not okay.

    God made you exactly like this for a reason, and you shouldn't doubt it. In Gods eyes, you are very beautiful! You shouldn't care about what others think, the one who truly matters the most is God. Try going to will help, especially if you get closer to Jesus and God. :)

    God Bless you.

    good luck :)

  6. It's normal, It's the level of hate that can be bad.  Your body is yours to keep, so make the best of it.  Don't worry about it, everyone hates or would change their body in some way.  Those that don't are called, egomaniacs, a******s or lairs.  Just be who you want to be.  It will make others doubt themselves more if their meaningless opinion did nothing to you.  Dress how you want to dress, act how you want to act, eat what you want to eat, use makeup sparingly if at all.  Scary at first? Yes.  How to beat it? Dress and style yourself however you really want to, then go to a public place out of your normal area, like a mall(even though they suck) and walk around like you own the place.  Don't stare at the floor as you walk or try to hide, remember, you don't know these people and won't see them again!  So even if you stumble and fall and knock over a old lady, who cares?  You can always try again with a fresh batch until your ready to take over your town\school.    

  7. Maybe you are just believing what others say about you.  You are awesome no matter who thinks otherwise they can go **** themselves.  This world will eat you up without some sort of bad attitude to keep you going.

    You are you, can't be changed. Just remember that most other people are also insecure.

    Good luck  

  8. it's not healthy. you may have already had therapy but if not please consider it. this is something that needs worked through in order for you to have a sence of well being.

  9. Its not okay to hate your body. I know saying that probably doesn't help you in any way because i suspect deep down inside you already knew the answer to this question before you asked it. So assuming that you want to change, you just need to take it one step at a time. If you have disliked your body for as long as you have, you might want to start by just trying to gain a little more confidence each day because that can make you feel good and also helps make you more attractive to other people. Once a day try to do something out of the ordinary talk to a boy you like, be more active in a conversation while sharing your opinions or just say hi to someone new. Even though you might not be ready/able to see how beautiful the picture can be all together, you can try to connect it a little bit at a time. Like maybe start the day off by looking at yourself in the mirror and reminding yourself what you DO find attractive about your body like, "I have beautiful lips" or "I have beautiful calves" or "I have beautiful feet" etc. . But the best answer you are going to get from anybody is to SEE A THERAPIST...i know it might sound scary if you haven't seen one before but they can really help you learn how to see your body clearly or give you tips for how to increase you self esteem.

  10. Everyone hates themselves some days. But not everyday. There is a condition called "Body Dysmorphic Disorder". It's when one perceives flaws, or you see flaws about your body.

    But it's true though, God does think you're beautiful. Maybe you should consider talking to a therapist. It always feels great to talk about things that are bothering and know that it's kept completely confidential. Why don't you try and make a list of everything that you like about yourself? I'm sure that you have gifts that other people would love to have.

    Don't be so hard on yourself. Somewhere out there, someone thinks you're beautiful and loves you for YOU!

    God Bless!

  11. Your body is something you can't really change, unless you have tons of money and are willing to have major surgery on your body. It's okay to not like the way you look, but it's kind of bad to hate yourself for it.

    It's your body you can hate if you want, but why live a miserable life you know..

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