
Is it okay to have a height of 5'6 for a 14 year old?

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I'm 14 and it think i'm too tall, i stand 5'6,its kinda weird,im the tallest in my class,im even taller than the boys...pls help!im really not satisfied of my height!




  1. you have a really short class! lol but girls get growth spurts earlier than boys so you will be taller then them for a bit.

    your not too tall, i'm 14 and 5 ft 10! :O

  2. When I was 14, I was 5'8.

    It's an average height for a girl who's 14.

  3. ya i am that height at 13  

  4. Your not "too tall" So what if your the tallest in your class. There's nothing weird about that. Yes it is okay for a 14 year old to be 5' 6. It's only a matter of time till everyone is either as tall as you are,or taller. It happened to me in sixth grade.

  5. umm your what hiet ur supose to be ppl are just small now lol i no how you feel im 13 and 5ft 8in so yeah lol  

  6. No, go cut off your feet immediately or be jailed.

    Silly questions deserve silly answers.  Stop worrying about ridiculous things you have no control over and enjoy life.

  7. ur so lucky!

    im only 5'1" and i think tall girls r so prtty

    keep growin and u could be a model.

  8. minus 3 and you got me!

  9. you shouldnt be ashamed of can do so many things with your can play basketball and short wish i were taller

  10. thats a pretty average height for your age

  11. I'm 13 and I'm 5'5". So I know what its like. But its normal for you....and a lot of other people.

  12. yeahh, im 14 and so are most of my friends and we are alll around that same height

  13. well, there's nothing you can really do about that. But trust me, for now, its akward and confusing, but when you grow older, guys loove tall women, and i think 5'6" is the perfect height for a girl. good luck.

  14. yeah that happens a lot but i new this girl she was a very tall girl about ur height and turns out that she had stopped growing so u r probably going to grow about 1 more inch and than ur done

  15. i'm exactly that age and height! i DID feel outcasted by almost everyone in my class but lots of the people who say i'm tall say it in a good way like "you should be a model" or "you're so lucky that you're tall! i'm so short!" so i take it as a compliment now. but there are tons of girls taller than you and me. some of my friends are a lot taller than me.

  16. I was 5'6" in the 7th grade, I never grew anymore but I towered over most everyone even the boys, they will catch up and even if you grow taller that is okay too.  You may be the supermodel they all used to make fun of for being tall, or the volleyball or basketball player who gets a scholarship or goes to the olympics. Stand up straight, be proud of your height and never stoop over, stand tall and beautiful.  

  17. wow, people must be short where you live.  when i was 14 i was 5'5 and about sixty percent of everyone else in my grade was taller than me.  i personally knew four 14 yearolds who were 5'8 and two 14 yearolds who were 6 foot and the other was 6'2.  oh, and my brother had a friend who was 12 yearsold and was 6 foot.

    so you are definitely not too tall.  there are just a lot of short 14 yearolds in your town.

  18. Listen if you aint got respect it matter wether your 5'6 or 5'4 cuz when u get back to wherever you came from, nobody will respect you.

    P.S.- Yea thats fine you probably just had your growth spurt earlier.  

  19. I'm about 6'0" if that makes you feel any better :D

  20. That is a perfectly normal height at your age. I know people that are up to 5'9 and are 14 year old girls. And I also know people who are 4'10 and are 14 year old girls. Everyone is different :)

  21. You'll probably stop growing before everyone else, and remember the boys are still going to have their growing spirts when they are around 16 ish and grow for a lot longer than girls do- don't worry it'll work out.

  22. uh yeah!

    it's just in your jeans dude!

    my friend is 14 and she's like 5'8

    don't trip

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