
Is it okay to have cereal and milk for breakfast before you run?

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I hear milk isn't good when running but I normally drink milk everyday for breakfast. I had water and egos today and I got sick after practice. Would just a bit of cereal and milk 30 min before practice be okay?




  1. amigos is right, you can also eat powerbars, clifbars, and all those protein type bars 30-120 minutes before you run

    give amigos the points, he has the best answer

  2. Milk is not a good chose before a run. Instead choose toast and peanut butter or a banana.

  3. sure thats fine, breakfast is the most important thing before exercising, cereal is fine

  4. I think it is important to eat before running. If I go out for a short run in the morning, I often forgo eating, but if I am going for a long run, it is essential that I eat something healthy. I choose quick cooking oatmeal as a breakfast, topped off with a bit of milk (usually lactose free skim). Some people warn against eating before running, but I think that for most recreational runners, it is ok to have something to eat before hitting the road. I know that my run is a lot more enjoyable if I have something to eat before I head out.

  5. I eat Vector Cereal with sliced bananas for breakfast an hour before I go for runs and it works for me.  It is a high energy cereal designed for active people.  This cereal last me for at least 25K.  I usually bring GU and Eload Sports drink with me to maintain my energy.

  6. No, the casein in milk takes a good time for the body to digest.

    Do not take anything 1~2 hours before running. Except water and other electrolyte juices.

    Because food takes time to digest, the blood needed in the legs will go to the stomach instead. You do not want your body to be digesting anything while doing vigorous exercise.

  7. nop eggos! i puked after i ran when i ate those!!!!!!!!!!

  8. don't take the risk.  it will haunt you.  never EVER drink milk before you run (even if its half an hour before) choose an alternative and drink milk at night instead.

  9. Any milk before any intense cardio... not smart!

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