
Is it okay to keep a dwarf hamster in a glass tank without any holes?

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Is it okay to keep a dwarf hamster in a glass tank without any holes?




  1. Glass tanks are great for hamsters.  I keep mine in one.  Just get a screened top for it and make sure to secure to top so it doesn't escape.  Glass tanks contain the bedding and are so easy to clean.

  2. only if u have a lid with holes or something its ok if u don't have a lid if da hamster can't reach da top

  3. no

  4. Glass tanks are great for hamsters an gerbils, just make sure you have a screen or something over top of the cage so they cant climb out.....they are very tricky.

    Also, make sure whatever you put over the top has holse or something so they can breathe!

  5. Yes this is perfect for a dwarf hamster.

    If you got a cage with holes in it your hamster would try and climb through the holes! And end up getting stuck and killing itself. So Yes if you have a cage with no holes in it AT ALL. Its perfectly fine, Just make sure there are TINY i mean Tiny air holes in the tank so it can breath a little bit LOL.

  6. If they hole on the top that fine if not if will have not air

    Glass tanks are great for hamster and gerbils

  7. You need a ventilated top no matter what the animal. They sell those with the glass tanks at pet stores. Get one that fits.

    Before you get a tank, make sure its a reasonable size. Keep it in a place where it won't fall over because since it is glass it can break. Good luck

  8. NO !Hopefuly the top has holes or it will die

  9. As long as it has a screened top.He will be fine.It does need a cover or your pet will escape.

  10. if it doesn't have  any holes, how is it going to breathe?

    common sense!

  11. NO,thats not fine cause he or her will have poor ventilation and it will die so i was to have holes so he can breath wish you good luck

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