
Is it okay to leave a parrotlet in its cage for 6 hours but also let him out for 6 hours?

by  |  earlier

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alright to stay in a big cage loaded with toys, and will equally have 6 hours of outside freedom playing around (handtame)




  1. That schedule is fine, but you have to let him out on your time, too, so that you are available to supervise. A bird has to get used to staying in it's cage. You may go away for a few days and your alternate caretaker may not want to take him out and such. There are many other reasons that he won't be able to come out all of the time, so he has to enjoy his cage time. It sounds as if he has plenty to do in there, so he should be fine with spending time in there. My grey is only out of his cage about three hours a day. That's not a lot, I know, but he's very happy inside there and he loves to interact verbally with us while he's in there. I think you will be fine with the way you are handling the situation now. Good luck.

    Regards, Kookoo

  2. Yes that would be fine  but remember that's only 12 hrs and bird need at least ten hrs of sleep when it gets dark outside put the bird to bed   If this is a work related problem 6 hrs or more in the cage wont quash the bird's "spirit"

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