
Is it okay to leave baby in car while you run in to pay for gas?

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I've never done it. I'm just wondering what the general consensus is on it. It just takes more time to get the carseat in and out then it does to run it and throw the money on the counter and say "$20 on pump 4" or whatever you know? We just recently had a women here in Cincinnati who forgot her baby in the car when she went to work and the baby died which is a terrible, absolutely horrible thing, and I would never leave him for more than a minute without me being right there. Just wondering if anyone else does this or do you do what I do and get baby in and out with you when you pay for it. Thanks for your opinions!




  1. I pay for gas at the self pay station near the pump.  I wouldn't want to get my baby out while I'm pumping gas.  I've gone in to pay too Just real quick saying $60 on pump 2 or whatever.  I prefer to pay right there at the pump though.

    By the way, where are you buying gas where you can fill up for $20?  I want to buy gas there.

  2. No. You never know what could happen. The weather could be extremely hot, someone could steal your car, etc. I use the call button and ask them for help. Recently my daughter got her shots, had a fever and was screaming her head off. I didn't want to go into walgreen's with her screaming so I drove up to the drive thru and the clerk got the tylenol for me. Ppl are more helpful then you think.  

  3. No I wouldn't.  For one thing cars can overheat quickly, for another car-jacking happens a lot at gas stations.

    If its too much work to get baby out of the car go to a full-service station your baby is worth a few pennies in extra gas expenses.  Or fill up whenever you don't have baby.  Or get a debit card (who doesn't have a debit card?)


    Edited to add

    "but in many states and countries there ARE NO full service stations anymore- it's actually ILLEGAL to pump your own gas."

    Which is it?  There are no full serve stations or its illegal to pump your own gas.

    Rant much?  Might want to proof read.

  4. I had to get gas yesterday. I took her in with me because sometimes the line is long or someone is cashing in their lottery tickets or something. Its not worth the risk

  5. NO, I will never leave my son in the car. Some one could try and steal the car ( there has been cases like that before ) A car can just speed through the gas station and hit the car with my baby in. Anything could happen. And if anything happened too my son.I would have failed as a parent and a mother who is supposed too protect their child from harm. I wouldn't be able too live with myself. I know that its convenient too just leave a child in the car, but that 30 seconds isnt worth the life of my child.

  6. i think this comes down to a matter of comfort. your baby isnt going to die if you run in really quick even in the heat or cold. and your just going to have to put the baby right back in when you go to pump the gas becuase you dontw ant the baby just sitting there. but you have to make sure that you dont lock your keys in your car or that one min can turn into alot longer.

    but if your not comfortable with it then you can take the baby out. some people dont like the idea of leaving their baby unattended with a bunch of strangers running around for even a second. also there can be long lines and you just never know. the baby could choke on something in a matter of 20 seconds. so i think it really comes down to your personal preferences.  

  7. I always pay at the pump with my card so I don't have to go in. Where I live we have recently had a few cars stolen, so I would never leave my baby in the car alone because I may come out and he's not there anymore.

  8. Dont ever do that, leave a child in the car by themselves it is very illegal and you could get arrested right on the spot if a cop sees you, even if it is just a minute. If I have to pay for gas (and it is during the summer) I roll all the windows down, make sure I have my keys on me have her door open and I pay for my card so she is never out of my sight.

    Now a days, its even more of a risk of, saddly, someone taking your child. Its worth those extra minutes to take your baby out of the car. (plus usually people say how cute your baby is!)  

  9. No.  NEVER leave a child in the car, not even for a minute.  You never know what could happen.  

  10. nope i dont think its ok. anything can happen in those few moments. you just never know! somebody could smash into your car, or steal it, or just steal your baby....

    you could get a debit card and then just pay at the pump...

  11. In the time it takes you to walk into the gas station and throw the money on the counter someone can break the glass in your car and steal your child before you can even say "$20 on pump 4."  If baby has to go to the gas station with you use a debit card. It is NEVER NEVER NEVER ok to leave baby in the car unattended EVER!!

    Wow Mz hostile much?!  I drive a 2007 Jeep Patriot and while my glass is just fine if someone wants my child they'll take my child even if I only walk 15 ft away for 45 secs.  You may choose to leave your children and that is your right as their for me I will never leave my child unattended in 2008...good neighborhood,bad neighborhood, snow, rain, 90 degree weather..if I have to go in she comes with me.

  12. I would not do it. As others have suggested, find  petrol station where you can pay at the pump. there have been cases where cars have been stolen which still had a baby in the back. Usually the thieves abandon such cars once they realized that a child was in there, but there are no guarantees. it's not scaremongering or an urban myth. it's simply better to be safe than sorry.

  13. I dont care if it takes me 30 seconds to run in and pay. my son comes with me. I NEVER LEAVE HIM IN THE CAR FOR ONE SECOND. not one!...

    there was a guy around where i live that put his baby in the carseat, went to work and left the baby in the car.. ALL DAY. of course it was hotter than h**l outside, and sadly the baby died because of the father's stupidity. when asked why he said " i thought i had taken him to daycare"... are you kidding me? how do you not know or see that your baby is still in the car?

    unless someone else is with me, and able to watch my son while i pay for gas (but i never carry cash anymore to begin with, always plastic) then no, i would never ever ever leave my son in the car by himself. i will always take him out, even if it takes me 30 seconds to run inside. he's coming with me

  14. I don't think it's ok.

    As you can see from the prior answers there are a few different opinions on this. But as I see it, you never know what could happen, even if you leave the car for a minute to pay for gas, that is one minute to long.

  15. I wonder the same thing! Since  I had my little girl 2 months ago  I have avoided gas stations that I have to pay inside and go to the pay at the pump ones.  

  16. yes its fine. just make sure it not too hot and that you lock the car

  17. I dont think its acceptable. EVER. What if someone comes in the store with a gun and doesnt let anyone leave? what if someone steals your car with your baby in it. what if someone like ME comes along, see the baby alone and calls the cops?

  18. NO. I am a child protective worker so I often look at worst case scenario. Unfortunately the worst thing can and sometimes DOES happen. Sick as it is, a child is a hot commodity to unsavory people (check out any s*x offender registry). Have you not heard of a smash and grab? Also think carjackings, the thief taking your car for money or a joyride may have a conscience and drop the baby off somewhere safe, but does any parent want to take that risk? I know it's a pain the the rear to haul the seat around, but annoyance is better that regret and despair.

  19. Never.  My mom told me she did this once while she was watching my son and I flipped out.  No, no way, never.  It's not just the weather, some crazy person could break the window and grab em in less than a mintue.  Anything could happen.  My babies are not worth the risk.

  20. I personally pay at the pump with my debit card. But I accidentally went to a gas station where you had to pay inside no matter what. Even though it was only a few seconds, I lugged that big car seat in the store just to swipe my card and sign a paper. You never know what may happen, so it's better safe than sorry in my opinion.  

  21. ERGH. No. Never leave a child alone in the car for any reason, ever. Well, sure, if you're putting something in the trunk, it's fine for them to be buckled in a seat without you, but I'm splitting hairs.

    Acquire a free checking account at the bank of your choice, get yourself a debit card, and pay at the pump. There's no reason to use cash when you have the option of paying at the pump, and there's almost no reason to ever use -checks-.

    How inconvenient would this be, compared to how you would feel if your child were hurt or missing when you came back?

  22. i don't leave him in there, even if i can see the car.  i carry him with me inside.

    p.s.get a debit card!

  23. I pay at the pump so I don't have to leave him

  24. Holy c**p, no I would never do that. You have no idea what kind of psycho is walking around ready to take your baby or your car with your baby in it.  Where I live a kid just got kidnapped because some guy was stealing the car he was in.  Never did hear if he got home ok.  NOT a good idea.

  25. no it isnt. anything can happen

  26. i dont do it, even now that im pregnant again and its a little complicated to get my 2year old out of the car, i still do it, she goes with me every place i go, you never know

  27. If there isn't someone else there to watch the child I would just pay with plastic. Then again, I rarely carry cash anyway.

    I would never leave my daughter alone in the car for even a minute. You never know what could happen.

  28. Never, EVER leave a baby alone in a car, even for a minute.  First of all, it's illegal, even if it's just for a minute.  You could get arrested and your child placed with DFS or CPS while you are in jail, and that's if they don't charge you with neglect.

    Besides the legality of it, there's so many things that could happen...

    ~someone steals the car with your baby in it

    ~someone kidnaps the baby

    ~a fire starts at the gas station and then you've got even less time to save your child

    ~the line is long or the attendant is slow, or their computers aren't working correctly, etc, and the baby ends up sitting in the hot car for longer than "just a minute"

    ~you accidentally lock the keys in the car, now you've got to smash the window to get your child out while you're waiting for the locksmith

    That's just a couple of things off the top of my head, I'm sure there is tons more reasons.  Yes, it seems like a waste of time to unstrap and then restrap your child, and sure the chances of these things are slim, but god forbid something did happen, how would you ever forgive yourself for your impatience?

  29. Living in the middle of nowhere when I'm usually the only person at the garage anyway, I do leave them in the car.

    It's not like I'm not watching them every minute while I'm paying.

    I see no problem out here. And you HAVE to pay inside. Technology is yet to reach Wales....

  30. I'm sure people do it, but I wouldn't Anything can happen in 2 minutes...even if the doors are locked. Someone could crash into your car...anything. I'm just paranoid I guess..but you kind of have to be as a parent, especially with a young child.

  31. No its not ok. Ive never left my kids in the car. What if as soon as u turn arround and someone gets in ur car and takes ur baby? thats ridicules!

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