
Is it okay to leave your slow cooker on while not at home?

by  |  earlier

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I'm making chili for my boyfriend, but I have to leave for work at 5, and he won't get home until about 5:45 so I was wondering if it would be safe to leave it on for that amount of time?




  1. I do it all the time, all day while I'm at work.  Just make sure there is nothing on the counter that is touching it will be fine !

  2. When I use mine, I put it together in the morning, set it on the counter, plug it in, and let it cook all day,,, and go off to work or where ever.......

    They are designed to be left un-attended.....

    I don't know if I would do this if I had cats loose in the house.....

  3. Unless there is damage to the unit, it will be fine. Most are made to operate at least 8 hours with no problems.

  4. I do leave mine on all day.  I put it on a cookie sheet on top of a towel so if there are spills, it goes on the cookie sheet (shouldn't be any though).  I also make sure that nothing is by it that's going to touch - bread bags, towels, etc.

  5. its prfectly fine, my dad has been do that with th slow-cooker for years.

  6. It is perfectly safe. I leave at 6 am and return at 5 pm and let it go all day. Boy...does the house smell good!!!!!

  7. It will be absolutely fine - thats what they're designed for.

    They were originally marketed to the family with a working mother,so that she was still able to prepare dinner in the slow cooker in the morning and then it would be all lovely and cooked when everyone came home in the evening.

    Obviously times have changed since then but the fact remains that the slow cooker is designed to be left unattended for hours at a time if necessary.

  8. I do it all the time, I run to the grocery store and other errands. I would not think it is a big deal

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