
Is it okay to let my 5-week old baby girl take her daytime naps in her bouncer?

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so i can do other things while shes napping but be able to have her where I am? or is it bad for her breathing/spinal development? somebody said carseats were but bouncers are they?




  1. My daughter is 7 months old and has takes all her naps in her bouncer. As long as you keep an eye on her she is ok. I've even left her in her car seat/carrier after I've gotten in the house if I get home and she fell asleep in the car.  

  2. yes. my son slept in his fisher price papasan chair for naps. loved it. i wish they made one my size.

  3. absolutely...I had to have my son sleep in his swing a couple NIGHTS because that is the only way he would sleep!!  lol...he's actually asleep in his swing right now!!

  4. My son slept in his bouncer just about all the time. Perfectly safe.

  5. Sure... whatever works!!

  6. thats fine but watch her,

  7. my 4 month old baby boy sleeps in his bouncer and has also slept in his swing although when he fell asleep in his swing i took him out and put him on my sofa or i now put him upstairs in his cot and i turn the baby monitor on (Angel care mat) and bring the other part down so i can get on with my work in the house etc!!

    whatever you want to do for your child is best

    good luck hunny


  8. Sleeping in the upright position is even safer than sleeping on her back; if it's just for a nap, go for it! I wouldn't recommend letting her sleep sitting up all night (in the bouncer) but an afternoon nap is perfectly fine! =]

    My son used to sleep in his swing at that age ..

  9. My son slept in a bouncer ALOT until he was to long and heavy to be in it! Babies sleep so much, to be running them up to bed every time they fall asleep is such a disturbance to them.

  10. oh those bouncers are a gift from heaven.  my baby took regular naps in that thing epically with the vibration on.  he loved it.  I also did it so he would know that the crib was for sleeping time and it helped me to get him to sleep through the night better. thats fine as long as you have baby in eye site.

  11. its totally fine, when my daughter was that age, she slept better in her bouncer and swing than her cot.

  12. My daughter sleeps in hers all the time. She had a stuffy nose and her bouncy was the only thing upright enough to help her breath. we would just prop her up by rolled blankets at her side and she slept there all the time. I have found that anywhere she will sleep that will not suffocate her is GREAT. lol. I had a nephew die from SIDS at 6 mo old while napping w/ his parents in their bed. I have been unbelievably paranoid about my daughter, especially that she was 9 wks premature. But she has to sleep and is so picky about where she wants to do it. I have the babysenseV which is fabulous, so I use that in her bassinet, but sometimes she won't sleep in there, sometimes she will only sleep in her bouncy w/ the vibration on, or in on a huge boppy pillow covered with a taught blanket. I just make sure that she is close to me when she is not in an ideal sleeping place. No problem with the bouncy my ped recommends it for reflux, and its soft on their heads so wont flatten the head as bad.

  13. I had TWINS and I had those vibrating seats and my twins loved them and used to take naps in them. I only had one swing so they took turns going in it and they slept in the swing sometimes. But they took naps in the car seats too. And they are fine! When they take a nap-anywhere is fine! My oldest daughter always slept in her carseat. She used to fall asleep in the car and I would bring her inside and she would still be asleep so I would leave her. But my Twins loved the vibrating seats with music. The seats had a mobile above their heads and they would look at it and fall asleep. And they used to LOVE to just SIT in those seats. THE BEST GIFT I EVER GOT!!!  

  14. Let her sleep however you can get her to.  She will be fine, so long as you are close by.  Don't worry about bad habits or spoiling her or anything like that for a couple of months.  God Bless

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