
Is it okay to open your child's mail?

by  |  earlier

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Is it okay to open your child's mail if they're under 18?

like packages and letters?

[sorry if this is in the wrong category]




  1. It's ok to open a very young child's mail.  And I most certainly would if you don't recognize the sender's return address.   But after the age of say, 5, you probably should let them do it themselves.  If you're uncertain what they're receiving, ask them to open it in front of you.  And make sure you tell them why you're concerned about said piece of mail.  

    Otherwise, no.  Sorry.  It's a trust issue and if you want them to trust you later, you have to prove yourself trustworthy.

  2. Under 18, yes.

  3. Ahhhh....YEah.

  4. Yes.  A parents JOB is to be aware of what is going on in their child's life. If parents feel ok about trusting their child, that is an option. I do NOT agree that kids have a RIGHT to privacy, as many kids whine.  

  5. Sure.  They are your kids living in your house.  It's your job to know whats going on.

  6. It's legal, but I don't know if I would say it's morally okay.

  7. no way. it is like you read her diary. you should only go through it if it has a adress she does'nt know or it is'nt from her friend. like if it is from mr. kill-kill. or a older person that has mr in it.

  8. There's probably no law against it, but diplomatically I would advise to be more reluctant the older they are!

  9. It is definitly legal for a parent to open their childs mail.

    Okay or not Okay is a matter of opinion.

    I would say it is Okay if you have a good reason.

  10. Yes, as long as you are the parent or guardian and charged with the responsibility for their welfare.

  11. Yes absolutely.  Parents are given rights that allow them to control almost all aspects of a child's life. Children have no expectation of privacy from their parents.

  12. I did when my kid was young but after he got older and I could tell its was a personal letter I didn't.  It's just being respectful, and you have to let them know you trust them.

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