
Is it okay to pay cash at a fancy restaraunt?

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I don't have a credit card anymore, and I'm planning to go to a very, very fancy french restaraunt tomorrow night. I feel strange paying in cash when the bill could be well over $100. But I guess it's okay, right?




  1. of course! i paid cash for our $140 dinner last night. it's actually preferred b/c credit card companies charge a percentage of the amount charged. have fun!

  2. of course just listen if that's what you feel most comfortable with then u pay with cash

  3. yes its ok. hey aleast your paying for it with cash to show off. no one gives a **** if u use cash or not.

  4. perfectly fine, just don't pay in ones and fives.  see if you can get it in twenties.  i think it looks even better when you pay cash. those people using credit cards probably don't have the cash like you do. most people have credit card debt.  good for you for not using it and taking the easy way out.  i see people buying a lot of stuff using credit cards, i worry about that.  good luck and have a nice time at dinner.  

  5. It is certainly acceptable to pay in cash.  I would just suggest that you not bring a lot of small bills, I wouldn't pay with anything except $100 bills and let the waiter make change for you.  Just remember to account for the tip, which should be about 18% - 20%.  I would bring a $5 to pay the valet.

  6. Absolutely. Cash spends just as well (easier in fact, no fees) as a CC.

    Enjoy your dinner.  

  7. Go for it! I do not see any issues at all with paying with cash except that there are no extra fees! Have fun at the restraunt! :-)  

  8. of course!! No signs say: must pay in credit card or checks

  9. ya its ok. it doesn't how you pay for it, just that you do pay for it.

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