
Is it okay to post "forwards" in a group? I've heard it's a no no/copyright infringement. True or false?

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What constitutes copyright infringement on the internet. Groups are always posting every little ariticle they find or a poem. What's okay and what's not okay?




  1. if the article includes author and a link- they can unless the site says otherwise (most sites you ask permission). it's when they don't include those things and it appears they wrote it and taking credit for it.

    Yahoo TOS- it's there for anyone to read on anout any yahoo page

  2. You can ask Yahoo Staff members about this by using the Yahoo Groups Help Form.  Here is a link to it:

  3. Copyright infringement is when someone posts (in this case copies to the site) an article without the permission of the authors.  Same for excerpts from a book.

    I know some group owners allow it to occur but in the group that I co-own with two other girls we don't allow whole articles to be posted.  We do allow links to those articles (if available) to be posted though.  

    As Moekelly said check with the Yahoo Groups customer service representatives too to see what they say.

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