
Is it okay to run on the treadmill & play playstation 3 video games & listen to loud music at the same time?

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Is it okay to run on the treadmill & play playstation 3 video games & listen to loud music at the same time?




  1. It better to run without distarctions like music or video games to get best resutls you should run without them and outside a treadmill slows you down you dont get full results its not as good as running outside just take away the distractions

  2. only if your a cyborg

  3. Depends on why you are running.  Studies have shown that people work harder with a partner or with music.  The PS3 is a little worrisome because that can cause a misstep if you stop paying attention.

    If you are training for a team or sport, I would focus on the training.  If this is for fun or for fitness and having the additional distractions help you get through the workout, then I say, as long as you are not putting yourself in a position to get hurt, then enjoy!

    One more thing is that I would only recommend this to someone that has proper form.  If you do not have proper form, you should not have any distractions until this is fixed.  If I have a treadmill workout, I will usually have the TV and music on, but I also know I have proper technique and review this often as part of my job (I am a strength and conditioning coach for athletes and fitness clients).

  4. Three guesses and first two don't count: NO.... :+0

  5. if u can do it more power to ya! i would love to play video games and workout at the same time. maybe a recumbent bike so there is no chance of falling and hurting.

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