
Is it okay to run the TV power cord and the a/v cables through the same conduit?

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Is it okay to run the TV power cord and the a/v cables through the same conduit?




  1. I'm pretty sure it's okay.  My cords are all connected together.  But I'm not too sure.  Ask a cable company and see what they say.  ;)

  2. You can do it, but you may get interference. I'd keep the power cord separate, and some distance away if possible.

  3. It is okay, however, for optimum picture and prevention of EM interference, use separate conduits.

  4. for signal transmission i would not recommend. you will most likely recieve some sort of signal degradation that will lesson the quality of your audio. if possible run the two cables seperately.

  5. Never, never, never. You can try it and it might be okay, for now. The trouble is EMI is a legitimate concern and you are subjecting your picture and your sound to every electrical item you ever add or change throughout your house.

    Example: TV works fine for 2 years. You replace your air conditioner and all of a sudden there are lines scrolling through your picture from bottom to top. You might not even think to connect the two! In other words, it's hard to troubleshoot when the culprit is the air conditioning unit 80 feet away in a utility closet.

    Better to avoid the shoddy installation practices that are so commonly used by the big box stores and do it right the first time.

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