
Is it okay to save our p**p to fertilize the garden?

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our garden hasn't been doing well this year. we tilled the soil and water it often, but it's not enough. we have started saving our f***s to spread in the garden as well as throwing our dog's p**p in there too. just checking to make sure it's ok.




  1. No. 1, No

    No   2. it would be against the law.  The health dept. would be after you for sure.  

  2. it is not really ok. it has a process and this process kills disease, and makes it work. doing what you are doing will just kill your plants. if you do it like that you can spread disease and you really dont want to do that

  3. you hav to do a certain process for that to work......

    i would advice not to do it because it can damage the plants and it WILL start to smell bad.

  4. wtf are for real.Nasty .No it want help and you probably don't have any Friends either

  5. That is disgusting! Think of how your garden would smell after a time. We aren't living in the stone age anymore!

  6. Yes, you can do that but you have to process the p**p by digging a hole in the yard and put a significant amount of the material in it and then cover it with a plastic cover and then with dirt. keep it for 30 days. open the hole and mix the material and use it as a fertilizer but use small amount and only in winter or fall. water repeatedly.

  7. too acidic you'll do more harm than good if you cant manage your PH, or have your dog and family go on a grain and alfalfa diet, hey there's an idea!!

  8. No, it is not okay. Nothing should be used as a fertilizer for fruits or veggies that is excreted from any meat eating animal or human. The bacteria could make you very sick, or kill you.

  9. That is just gross.

  10. No, it is not ok.  If you want to use manure, use the composted cow manure you get at the garden store.

    Try mulching to keep the moisture in the garden.

  11. only if you want to get deathly ill

  12. You should start a compost pile instead. Save all of your table scraps that are not meat, save grass clippings and you could shred paper with black ink, not colored. Mix  this with a little soil and water. After a few days turn it over. You want the pile to get to a hot temperature like 120 to 140 degrees.

      If this is not  enough for your garden you might have to use some store bought fertilizer.

    You may also purchase a soil test kit to test what your soil requires.

  13. No way.  We are omnivores (we eat everything), and the cow manure used in gardens comes from herbivores (vegetarians).  BIG difference!

  14. If you wanna get E-Coli bacteria from eating the vegetables then

    "go for it". When I was in the Navy, on a Mediterranean Cruise, we made a brief stop in Tunisia, Africa. The first thing they told us before going ashore was "Do NOT eat any fruits or vegetables. They used human waste to irrigate their crops. It was OK for them, because their systems had developed an immunity to E-Coli, but if we ate them, we'd become deathly ill. Definitely NOT a good idea !

  15. No, you don't human or dog f***s in your garden.  They contain meat which can cause bacteria type problems.  You want non-meat eating fertilizer.  

    Personally I use miracle gro and it works wonderfully and it is not that expensive.

  16. NO-NO-NO. We aren't vegetarians like horses and cows. Do not use it in the garden-that is why we flush and pick up our dogs p**p from the yard.

  17. Don't listen to no one go and do it but I do it well before harvest.

    I water it down and trench it between the rows not directly on the plants.

    Pee has some good bloom effect, water it down in a 5 gallon bucket and poor it between rows.

    All these folks that want organic, now you have it, we wast billions to throw away good poo, we are a nation of idiots, on some things sorry to say, that us Americans don't have a brain when it comes to simple common unadvertised things.

    Anyone tells you to flush it is not to smart.

    Your poo is much better than buying comersial fert's.

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