
Is it okay to see my fiance in his tux before the wedding? ?

by Guest10660  |  earlier

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This might be a weird question to ask, but I'm many of you saw your fiance in his tux before you were married? Lol, my fiance goes to pick up his tux on Monday and I want to see what he looks like in it, but he says if he doesn't get to see me in my dress before the wedding, I shouldn't see him in his tux. We'll probably wait until the wedding day to see each other in our wedding clothes, but I don't think it matters and I was just curious to see what you guys thought.





  1. I think most brides see their future hubby's in their tuxes. Let's face it, the bride runs the show when it comes to all fashion for the wedding ... she needs to approve the fit and style!

    As much as I would love to trust my future husband with his wedding suit, I'm extremely anal and would want to see the color to make sure it was the shade I wanted, and that the fit was okay.

    I won't be seeing him before I walk down the aisle, though :)

  2. I don't think any tradition has any meaning apart from those who give it meaning--it actually doesn'tmatter at all if the groom or bride sees each other in their wedding clothes before the wedding. That's only superstition. If it matters to you, then ok, but that doesn't mean that those who don't observe that tradition are doomed to failed marriages or broken hearts.

  3. Seeing his tux is no big deal.  Most women go to make sure everything looks good.  The tradition is for the groom not to see the bride in her gown.

  4. it's jsut an old superstitiont hat it will bring bad luck. I know so many couple show even did ALL of their photos before the ceremony. sometimes DAYS before and they are still married and going strong.

    only you bring bad luck on yourself. It is not some old tradition that will do it.

    That being said, Me and my fiance won't see each other in our clothes (we will see each other that morning as we are both sleeping at home that night) but not in our wedding clothes til i hit the aisle.  It's more that we just want to share that first glance with everyone, so they can all see our reactions as well.

  5. I have never heard of not seeing the groom in his tux before the wedding.  My groom and his groomsmen wore suits instead of tuxes since my wedding and my wedding dress were a little less formal than most traditional weddings.  I didn't let him see my dress ahead of time, but I went with him to purchase his suit.  I was afraid he would pick out something inappropriate if he went on his own.

  6. My fiance has funny requests for our wedding. The formal pictures MUST be taken after the ceremony (otherwise they're not really *wedding* pictures), he wants nothing to do with my dress until I'm walking down the aisle, really REALLY wants a limo, etc.

    Just funny little things that didn't matter to me, but were very important to him. So if your fiance has a preference and you don't, just let him have his way. ;)

  7. The groom doesn't matter.  He-he, of course he does, but a wedding really circulates around the bride these days.  "Traditionally", it would be fine to see him the tux.  Congrats to you.  Hope your wedding goes amazing!

  8. Of course I saw my husband in his tux!! Had to be sure it fit right, etc., lol!

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