
Is it okay to send your kids to church with someone else if you don't go?

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My husband and I don't attend church regularly. My little boy has been going to Vacation Bible School this week with one of his friends and last night he brought a form home asking if he would like to attend Sunday School and Wednesday night children's church and a place you could mark if they needed a ride. He wants to go and enjoys it. I actually would like to start going as well, but if I don't, is it okay if my son attends but goes w/somebody else?? When I was little, my mom used to put on the church bus and send me off. Never did she attend once. I saw this as more of a break for her than anything else, considering I didn't want to go but she forced me to. Sometimes, she'd make me take my nieces/nephews. At the time, I was probably 9 and they were 3 or 4. My little boy wants to go and I'm not forcing him to go so I realize my situation is a little different. Anywho, I don't want to do to him what my mother did to me but I just want to what you guys think.. thanks




  1. As long as he wants to go because he enjoys it, it should be ok. Just make sure the friend isn't influencing his decision to go to church by saying he'll go to h**l if he doesn't go. (when I was a kid, I had a friend who almost succeeded in convincing me that me and my entire family were going to h**l because we didn't go to church and I'm not baptized. That is one of the most horrible things a kid can do to another kid). But as long as he chooses religion for himself, there shouldn't be a problem.

  2. Let him go if he wants to go. You could even pick him up and drop him off if you wanted to. I go to a small church there are not a lot of adults but a lot of kids and youth. Most all of them get rides from other people there walk or ride their bikes there. None of their parants come with them. But we are glade to have them. It gives them somewhere to go and something to do other than hang on the streets or geting in trouble.

  3. If you trust the people he'll be with (and obviously you do if he has gone to VBS all week), then there is no reason you shouldn't let him go if he wants to.  Be thankful there are people willing to take him for you.  I went as a child without my parents, too.  They never went and I went for about 4 years.  I loved it.

  4. If he WANTS to go, then I think it would be fine for him to go.

    Also, it would probably make him happy when you start going with him  :)

  5. Of course there's nothing wrong with that. He expressed an interest, and he wants to go. I'm not Christian, and neither are my parents, but I went to Church with friends or grandparents sometimes, and it was a great experience.

    It's completely different from what your mother did because of the simple fact that your son wants to go. You aren't sending him there against his will, you are letting him do something that he wants to do. Don't worry, it's completely different.

  6. Send your child with some one you trust. Try going with your child, it'll make him happy that his mom went with him. Also, he'll feel comfortable and safe around you.

  7. If he wants to go, I'd let him go.

    We haven't chosen a religion for our children, in hopes our son's will chose their own one day. If they wanted to go to Sunday School, we'd drop them off there.

    If it isn't your wishes to go, don't. Just get someone to take him. Ask the friend who took him this week.

  8. Ask the friends mom if she doesn't mind...and if not, go for it...if you are not that into church and your son wants to be....let can't hurt unless its one of those church's that brain washes people....then I would worry :) There is nothing wrong with him having a little Jesus in his life :)

  9. I would let him go. I have not been going to church regularly for several years, but I plan on starting again as soon as my son is old enough to know what is going on. He does go to church with his grandparents when he stays the weekend with them. I think if your son is showing an intrest it would be great for him to attend church even if you don't go.

  10. sure it's ok if he goes. If he enjoys it why not. my parents don't go to church and when i was i was little i went almost every sunday. i still try to now but sometimes things happen and i don't get to go.

  11. ~ I think it depends on your beliefs.

    If your okay with him learning the things they teach at this church, let him go!  If he's enjoying it, it doesn't really matter if you go or not.

    But if this church is teaching things you don't believe in, you should not let him attend just because he wants to.....

  12. i dont see anything wrong with it maybe you could talk to one of the other mums locally see if you could do a car share or whatever so you knew who was taking him. If he likes it and wants to go let him:)

  13. Let him go, and make an effort to attend when you can!

  14. if he WANTS to go then he should. its a good thing. he would probably like it if you went with him every now and then though. [doesnt have to be everytime-but enough not to make you a hypocrite] you might even enjoy it!

    i think its a good idea.

  15. Its okay but it isnt okay :( Sorry

    Its GREAT!!! that you are getting your son involved with church and its also wonderful. BUT.... I wouldnt say its the best thing to do. He is probably thinking that he shouldnt care about church and why should he go when you two arent going. Try to make an effort that one parent goes and then the other and make a pattern. If you really cant go but you send him off to church with a friend talk to him and let himn know i care about church but its just that i cant make it . PLEASE!! Do not use the excuse of i care but i cant go right now because he will start thinking they can never go and that he will probably not give into it anymore.

  16. As long as u know who he is going with it will be ok... most churches have church buses and they are closely monitored and your son will be fine if that is what he rides... u know u might want to go with your son and enjoy the company of jesus and see how much fun it will be...

  17. Let him go. Try to attend as well as often as you can.

  18. If he wants to go I think it is fine. I would encourage you and/or your husband to also go on Sundays with him sometimes -- at least if there is a Sunday School program or something like that as the ideal would be to get involved as a family but as to your question at this point -- yes it would be fine for him to go.

    I wonder how much of your not going to church is because you were forced to go as a youngster?

    Like I said the ideal would be to go as a family but if your son wants to go and a ride is available then there is nothing wrong with it at all.

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