
Is it okay to slaughter a pregnant animal for meat?

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The animal is carrying a zygot or a fetus inside its womb.




  1. I don't think it's ok to kill any animal, pregnant or not, since humans don't need to eat meat to survive. Life should be respected and valued.

  2. If I'm hungry enough, sure...

  3. Yes, its usualy not economical because the baby that would come out growes into an adult cow who is valuable

  4. Well, I would think that you would wait until it is born and weaned from it's mother that way you would have another, but if your starving what else can be done!

  5. No cattle farmer would slaughter a pregnant cow for the fetus means $$$$ in the future.

  6. in my personal opinion as a vegetarian its never okay to slaughter an animal let alone a pregnant one. we no longer need to eat meat to survive.

  7. Those who would slaughter an animal for meat would not see the life of the animal, NOR the life of the fetus, as deserving of respect or compassion for another living being.

    They don't see the life of the animal as having any value, so the fetus inside wouldn't be awarded that perspective, either.

    Nice try, though.

  8. You should let it give birth, THEN slaughter it. That way, the animal grows up, and you get to slaughter that one too.

    Although... unborn animal fetus might be tasty. Seriously, there is a dish that calls for this.

  9. Well, according to the "pro-choice" crowd...

    Zygotes and fetuses are some sort of lifeless jelly that doesn't warrant even the slightest bit of sympathy when it is extinguished.

    If it SOUNDS like something not human or living, then it's no big deal, right?

    Well, some people believe that trying to pull a semantics dance to cover up the fact that a living organism is killed is the wrong way to go.

    Some people believe that a living thing is a living thing and you should respect that.

    So, it depends who and what you choose to believe and what sort of semantics will get you there.

  10. yea if u need the meet dont just do it if u dont need it

  11. Yes it's ok. It's an animal, not a human. It might not be the most profitable but there's nothing wrong it.

    The circle of life continues.

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