
Is it okay to start a relationship with a married couple?

by Guest64484  |  earlier

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Is it okay to start a relationship with a married couple?




  1. not where i come from!

  2. It matters

    If the couple are in true love and don't want any hassle then no.

    But if there not happy then you can make one of them happy.

    If its two people you know get ready for some arguments and in the end you may lose all of them!

  3. Of course it is as long as the lady is hot and has a nice tight little butt and lets you tap it often.

  4. it depends what kinda relationship it is

  5. do not eat the left over things

  6. aw yeah,  if both are willing to have a threesome then h**l yeah this is the 21 st century most anything goes. just be discreet. there is a way to do everything without being disrespectful to yourself.

  7. No! Unless...well, No!

    My parents are divorced because a woman did that and lives with my father!  

  8. If it works for you and the couple, yes. I have heard of long term three-way relationships but I've never heard of lifelong ones unless instituted by certain religious sects.

    Also, being okay with having a secondary (but new and exciting) role in the relationship needs to be okay with you. Lots and lots oand lots of communication, compassion, trust and brutal honesty is necessary in these types of relationships, so if you're prepared for that and if you think they are too, then go for it!

  9. Are U talking about partner swapping or just an affair with a married man? Either way, none is good. It's very unhealthy both mentally & emotionally & of course, is very unnatural too.

    Just a normal Friendship would be good of course.

  10. It's not good... unless u know each other well enough to be "together".

    U know what I mean... ??!! There will be very very complicated matters

    happening as time goes by... trust me I've seen a few which ended up

    urgly !!

    So if u still want it.. then gd luck my friend !


  11. Get real. No, no, no.

  12. be more specific

  13. depends on what sort of relationship u want to have with them

  14. If you are all adults then why do you care what people think of your situation? I, personally, think it's wrong to get into the middle of another person's marriage but each to their own, I guess.

  15. Depends what you mean...

    If you mean start a relationship with ONE member of this couple then usually not.

    If you mean begin a sexual and/or romantic relationship with both partners and have a relationship involving three people then sure, as long as everybody is consenting and knows what they're getting themselves into.

    You might have to elaborate though cause what you've asked isn't very specific at all.

  16. They're screwed up already.  But if you want to bang a couple, you're screwed up, too.  And you just want drama.  Go orgy with singles, it's a lot healthier.

  17. As long as:

    1)all are fully informed of the relationship (existence, type AND scope)

    2)all are happy with the relationship

    3)all are "of age" and

    4)all are healthy

    then yes, for what it's worth, you have my blessing.  Informed uncoerced consent is the whole of morality.

    "Go bounce your buns with anything for which you have the hots/as long as all are willing and all have had their shots" --Live and Let Live by Leslie Fish

  18. What??

  19. NO

  20. noo!!

    the Bible stated in Exodus 20 : 17, one of the 10 commandment as follows:

    “You must not desire your fellowman’s house. You must not desire your fellowman’s wife, nor his slave man nor his slave girl nor his bull nor his *** nor anything that belongs to your fellowman.”

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