
Is it okay to start my 11 m.o. on milk yet? And I drink 2% So should I buy Whole?

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Is it okay to start my 11 m.o. on milk yet? And I drink 2% So should I buy Whole? or vitamine D... Im still going to give her her formula she just drinks over 9 cans a month. And she dont like juice. So Im trying to figure out how to change this.




  1. yes, or you could move her to a stage two formula.  As for whole milk yes the doctors recommend whole milk until they are two unless they are overweight. (vitamin D and whole is the same) If your baby has any health concerns you should definately consult your doctor first.  If you just can't drink the whole milk you could always buy half gallons of each. I personally would move to the other formula first, just cause of the added DHA and ARA in it. plus then you don't have to worry about lactose intolerance...  I wouldn't do both formula and milk though, that may be too many calories for your little one and she may start porking up. lol. as for juice i would try some of the different kinds from juicy juice and don't water them down, or try watering them extra, she just may be picky.

  2. You can go ahead and try her on whole milk if you would like being she is so close to a year.  If she doesn't care for it, you can try mixing it with the formula and then cut back the formula till it is all milk.  As for the juice,  are you using the gerber juice in the little bottles?   If so buy regular apple juice and try it.

  3. The proper age to start a baby on milk is 12 months and you should always begin with Whole Milk. One year olds don't get the fat they need from the food they are eating, so doctors prefer that they start on whole milk.

    At two years old, doctors will ask you to make the switch to 2% milk because by then, they are receiving the fat they need from the food they are eating. The milk continues to give them the calcium they need.

    If she doesn't like juice, then try giving her vitamins. Enfamil makes a liquid form of vitamins that you can add to her milk. This will make-up for anything she's not getting from the juice.

    My son didn't like juice at all, so I used to freeze the juice (like ice cream pops) and give it to him like that. He loved it...and now he LOVES juice.

    Oh, don't forget to get her off the bottle at 18 months!!

  4. I started supplementing with whole organic milk when my daughter was 10 months old. I became pregnant, and my breast milk started to diminish, so I had to supplement with SOMETHING. Her pediatrician told me to try milk because she was only 6 weeks from her 1st birthday, and it would be silly to start her on formula. He basically said to start with a little and see if it upsets her tummy. It didn't so I started adding more and more. She had some "birthday boobie" on her 1st birthday 10 days ago, and that was it! She's DONE with the breast, and drinking 2-3 cups of milk a day now

  5. You are close enough to 12 months so go ahead and start the switch.  Whole milk is best but some kids don't do well on it. Test it out and then adjust as needed.

  6. Whole milk is recommended until they're 2 years of age, so I'd see if she does OK with it. The fat content in whole milk is important for children that age.

    9 cans of formula a month seems really extreme to me though - does your pediatrician know how many ounces she's getting a day? Our son was going through a can a week at that age (40 oz. a day) and our doctor said that it was a little too much. Not only should they be filling their tummies more and more with solids instead of formula/milk, but it's tough on their kidneys to process that much liquid. So I'd check with your ped. on that!

  7. You can start to introduce whole milk now, but keep her mostly on formula until she passes her first birthday.  (And longer than that if she is a poor eater.

    She will need to be on whole milk (not 2% or skim) until she is 2.  Toddlers need a lot of fat for both growth and brain delelopment.

  8. OO yes for sure.....right now is the perfect time to start the switch....and i do agree with one of the other son got constipated from the whole milk just watch out for that.....if that happens i would go to 2% and get the vitiamens that he/she will need.....hope this helps.....oo and about the juice son HATED juice he is 2 years old and i just got him to drink juice about 2 months ago......u know what kind of juice he likes.....iced tea........of course i water it down like u would for anyother juice....and not give him to much because of the caffeine.....but try it....see if she/he likes least this way here u will have a juice in the diet......hope this heps too

  9. yea thats fine just every other bottle make it regular milk i noticed with my grandsons whole milk made it very hard for them to go p** watch that theyre now on 2% and are doing well good luck hun

  10. would keep the formula until 1 year, I know a month seems so pointless right?  But that is the recommended age, so i would stick to it. But you could start to introduce it to her at least. When she does go onto milk, go with whole, that is the staple milk for babies.  I think around 2 you can start on 2%.  Once she's on milk though, she doesn't need to be on formula anymore.  I'll assume she's eating solids now?  Does she like water?  What juice have you tried?  and has it been watered down?  We switch our daughter around on ehr juice once and a while.  Apple, grape, we just recently tried her with the V8 splash as she isn't a big veggie eater.  So that gets the veggie nutrients in her when she is having a picky moment.  And all of the above get watered down.  They suggest 50-50, we do 25 juice 75 water though.

  11. Give her whole milk. Stage 2 formula is the best (Enfamil Next Step, Parents Choice, or Similac Good to Grow) as they contain nutrients that stage 1, infant, formulas are missing. Such as higher iron & calcium content.

    After she hits 1 year, you definately need to start her on whole milk or toddler formula and drop the infant formula.

    It would be best if you'd start a toddler formula. However, She's old enough now where starting only whole milk probably won't harm her. Formula will give her nutrients, such as iron, that aren't found high doses in milk, but starting on whole milk when she's 11 months probably won't do any serious harm.

    Use whole milk and not skim or 2%. Whole milk has a higher fat content, which children need. "The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you not give your toddler low fat milk until they are two years old."

  12. yes, give her the whole milk


  14. yes, but if baby isnt eating a lot of healthy food. i would still give a bottle of formular in morning and at night.

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