
Is it okay to swallow those small rubber bands for braces?

by  |  earlier

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I accidentally swallowed about 2, more like 10.

but uh is it okay? should i call the doctor? it says it's latex




  1. it's fine as long as ur not alergic to latex but you should call ur orthatdonidts tomorrow

  2. it's fine. do not worry. if ur allergic, i don't think stomachs digest latex so it will come out whole in your ****.

  3. I think it's ok, as long as you aren't allergic to latex. if you are, well, see a doctor NOW.

    I used to swallow random stuff all of the time, and i am still standing:D

  4. It won't do anything to you, unless you're allergicc. I suppose it can't be good for, but then again likewise it cannot be bad.

  5. Unless you are allergic or anaphylactic to latex, then call the ambulance NOW!

    Otherwise you will be fine, you're immune system should be able to handle 1 little rubber band, besides - they're not even that big.

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