
Is it okay to take an almost 2 month old in the pool? I know they have to be covered and everything I jus

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want to know if it is safe for him being so young to go in? he is going to be 2 months in a week. Thanks!




  1. I first put my daughter in the pool with me at 2 months. I made sure the water was warm enough before putting her in. I held her the whole time and we weren't in the pool longer than 10 minutes. I just wanted to start her out slowly so when it is time to teach her how to swim she would get the hang of it and not get scared. So far she's been in the pool 3 times and she just turned 5 months. Last time I had her in a tank top and shorts. Took her out after 20 minutes or so and she fell asleep. So far so good, it's been so warm here that we might try again in a few days.  

  2. your baby will be fine in a public pool as long as it is heated  my local baths run a mum and baby class where they heat up the pool so lo doesn't get cold . and its fine to take them from birth they don't have to have had all of their jabs either  

  3. its safe as long as you're comfortable with it and so is baby.  they even make little swimmers for like a size 1 in diapers I think.  It will help them get used to pools at an early age.  

  4. no its not especially in a public pool. you're really gonna be asking for trouble if you do that.

  5. Yes that is fine! your baby might even love the water on his little body! As long as the water is not too cold he will enjoy it. You could buy one of those little floaters to sit him in. That way you dont have to hold him the entire just have to hold onto the floating device. Have fun! :)

  6. yeah! you can take babies in at any age, it is really good for them, if you start from birth they can be swimming unaided by 5 months.if you take them under water they will get used to it and it won't hurt their eyes, it is really good  you go during a parent toddler or similar session, it will be calmer, and for them so you don't have to take arm bands and those inflatable seats. if you can make some new friends and so can baby, they could live round your street without you knowing, so go for it, have fun ;)  

  7. as long as you use sun block (and reapply it after a bit) and it's not too terribly hot or chilly, then I see no reason that you can't have your baby in the pool with you.  just keep water out of its ears.  you do not need to cover your baby in a blanket or whatever, but shade is good. (you don't know how many people i see that overly dress or cover their babies!  when you're hot, they're hot too!  don't cook your baby!)

  8. Two months old is not old enough to be in a swimming pool. THe floaters that are sold are not safe for a baby of this age. Most are labeled for 9 months and up. The chlorine is not good for babies, neither are all of the germs that are found in pools. If you want your baby to play in the water, stick with a bath tub.

  9. Yes, it's okay, I took my baby around the same age and he loved it.  Just pay attention to your baby, if he doesn't like then get out, but if he does, then there is no harm....just try to go at a time when it's not so hot, baby's can get heat exhaustion very easily.  Go to the link below for some expert advise.

  10. Our sons first time in the water was when he was 1 month old.  just use sunscreen and hold him/her.  Floaties any kind are better when they get a little older.  My son loves the water now that he is 20 and is a great swimmer.  hope u have fun.

  11. I've asked my doctor this question so many times, and each time he told me the answer is yes.  Yes it is safe to take them swimming at a pool.  The chlorine won't hurt them (just make sure you don't put them near where the chlorine dispenser is).  He said that it was good exercise for them and they are natural born swimmers.  He encouraged me to take her to a pool, so I see no problem with it.  I would just recommend giving him a bath after you are out of the pool and to put lotion on him so his skin doesn't dry out.  Have fun!

  12. no its not especially if it is a public pool thats just asking for trouble

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