
Is it okay to take my guinea pig on a trip?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going up to Hollister, CA for July 4th and was wondering if it was safe to bring her. It is 5 hours away and i will bring her cage, fresh bedding, water, food, and toys. I',m staying for 2 1/2 days.




  1. It will be alright. If you are driving make sure not to put her water bottle in the cage because hitting a bump may cause chipped teeth. Just stop and offer water or Pedialyte to keep her hydrated. You can try bringing a syringe and just set up her water bottle when you get there. Make sure the temperature range stays 65-75 degrees. If you are putting her in a carrier, use newspaper and not towels because towels can hold moisture and could mold and could cause her to become cold. Hope this helps and good luck.

  2. What a lucky guinea pig!

    Yea that sounds ok just let her settle down quietly when you arrive and thats a good idea that you take all of your guinea pigs stuff.

  3. Wellllll ...... it might be OK.

    Of course you will need to bring all her supplies, if you do decide to take her.

    But most animals are more comfortable at home.  Traveling can cause stress to any animal, so if you can leave her at home, or with a friend, that would probably be best.

    A Guinea Pig can probably get along fine on its own for such a short amount of time.  Perhaps you could have someone look in on her once or twice to feed her and give her fresh water while you're gone.

    If you leave her in a darkened, quiet room, maybe with a radio on at a low volume, she'll most likely sleep most of the time that you're away.  This would be less stressful for her than traveling would be.

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