
Is it okay to travel to Rome in the last two weeks of Aug?

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People say that when it is summer, all the locals are out so that means there will be no places to go and enjoy our stay. This is our first time to travel to Europe. These last 2 weeks of Aug. are the only available weeks we can take a vacation.




  1. Hello,you'll read all the answers than you'll do what you think is the best for you.Here my advice:I was in Rome,last year after 10 august and it was gorgeous.I suggest you Eurostar International Palace hotel-via Nazionale no.46.It's a very well located one so you can enjoy the Rome's life during all the day and night.You have a lot of beauties to see,don't miss a single one.If you want I'll be glad to be helpful.

  2. Go to Italy in September, it's closed to the locals then..............

    for real now, if you're going to Italy with that kind of attitude you won't enjoy it. Go to Florida instead. Locals are everywhere all year long and I thought that was part of why we travel.

    Italy is loud, parts of it are not very clean and it's very lively. There is always something going on. The beaches are mostly crowded, the water is usually not very clear, but the sun is nice. Someone seems to always be blaring music, there are scooters everywhere and Italian drivers are NUTSSSSS!!!! Oh, and Italian pizza is nothing like what you expect, but a lot of places have Americanized it, so you can have your Pizza Hut like grub and they always have McDonald's. I personally think that Italy is great for the younger generation. There are a few places, up North for instance, where life is a little slower and more laid back, but there also is not as much to see. Italians have an uncanny ability to mix art and kitsch and make it work for their country. Lots of history and culture here.  As for all tourist traps in Europe and elsewhere, keep your personal belongings(passport, wallet, credit cards) near and dear to your heart.

    PS: A good way to travel Europe without having to put up with the locals might be to stick with an American tourist group piled into a bus and only eat at places familiar to Americans. That way you will be sure you can communicate and won't eat anything unfamiliar..........on second thought...........why bother going?

    I sure hope you have a pleasant stay and get to enjoy it a little bit though( and this last part I really meant, honest!)

  3. Rome is a nice city and it is full of history. I think it doesn't matter when you visit it, but it matters what you do when you get there.

    Check this link and find more about Rome:

  4. It will be packed with tourists. Many business owners do leave the city in August but also many stay behind. I must warn you though it will be incredibly hot!!!

  5. Irishman in Italy here.

    Rome is beautiful all times of they year. But, you should know that the last two weeks of August will make your brain boil in your head. Because it is hotter than Hades during that time of they year. NOT USA no...I'm talking inside of a dishwasher hot. Be prepared. Take a hat and buy water or fill a large bottle before you leave your hotel. (By the way, Rome's tap/fawcet water has recently been assessed as being the cleanest in the western world, so have no fears. There are many street fountains to drink from too, use them.)

    Also a few words about etiquette. Shorts? No, no...never, ever, nowhere, not even for a moment, don't even think about it. (Clear?) If you are a woman, be sure to take a large scarf or something like it with you because you will NOT be permitted into churches unless you cover your shoulders. No flip-flops/open toed shoes are permitted in churches either. And, as daft as it may appear (though there is a good reason) be sure you are not carrying anything sharp with you (nail file, scissors, pocket knife) when you go into will be taken from you and you will never see it again. (Too many whackos in the world attacking religious iconography, you see?)

    Enjoy your trip.

  6. Why not. Its hot - as all say - and unless you stay in luxury accomodations, not air-conditioned... so you end up smelling like everybody else.

    Romans are out ot down in August (too hot), but lots of tourists replace them. Some museum and locations are closed, but there are so many to choose from!!!

    I think the question you should ask is rather "why Rome"... there are lots of locations in Italy that are really wonderful. As a first time over, I'd rather rent a car, get a guidebook of central italy and a good map, make reservations for nights (this is important, otherwise you will find yourself spending a fortune for miserable beds, because it is peak tourists season!!!) and go. You will enjoy the food, the wine, the visiting, the land, the arts at your rythm.

    Ask an Italian friend to help you pick an itinerary, and start planning... then when you'll be back in Europe next time, you will know where you want to spend some more time.

  7. It will be very hot and crowded.  It's "high season" so rates will be higher for most things.  

    However, if it's the only two weeks you've got, and you really want to see Rome, enjoy!

  8. You won't need two full weeks in Rome, that's for sure.  I suggest planning an itinerary that puts you closer to the coast, just to help manage the heat.  Maybe consider starting at the Cinque Terre (three days), going to Florence (three days), visiting Rome (four days) and then going down to the Amalfi Coast (four days).  You'll get that cool ocean breeze that will help keep you sane!  The problem with August is that many locals leave the cities and go to the coast, so while the important tourist attractions are open, many small, locally-owned shops and restaurants are closed.  Plus, prices are astronomical compared to travel two or three weeks later, because there are so many tourists.

    I'll link to my personal Amalfi website below (which has info about my travels in the area), but the whole website in general is your best resource for first-hand travel info.

  9. DO NOT GO TO ROME, last 2 weeks of August. Nightmare time. You cannot walk on the street for tourists, prices are the highest, absolute rip-off.

    The ONLY time to do the major tourist attractions of Europe, today, is mid-winter, pick lousy weather. Otherwise, all you will see is hoards of guide umbrellas and get pushed and shoved to distraction.

    If you only have these 2 weeks and want to do something in Europe, pick the smaller medieval towns, Pamplona in Spain, Lecce in Italy. These are stunning and you will have a great time.

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